Chapter 22

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I have never flown in a plane before and I am actually kinda scared. Niall, Louis and I are waiting in line for baggage check. Niall and Louis are talking about the room situation. Louis is to have a room connected to Niall and I's by a porch. The hotel Niall is booking from is right on the beach, so it has a fantastic view of the ocean.

"Emma are you scared?" Louis asks accusingly. I shake my head yes, I don't want to lie.

"Awhh... That's adorable." Niall coos at me. He pulls into a hug but I escape him and punch him in the shoulder. He winces, pretending it hurt, making us all laugh.

When we get up to the front of the line, I am chosen for a random pat-down. Of course, they don't find anything out of the ordinary and we move on.

We all sit together waiting at the gates. Louis is on twitter or something, Niall is taking selfies, and I am sitting here, listening to Gotta Get out, by 5SOS of course. I feel one of my earbuds pulled out and I see Niall placing it in his own ear. He grins at me and he proceeds to take a selfie while kissing me on the cheek. I am sitting there smiling like an idiot when we are told to start boarding.

There are surprisingly very few people getting on the plane. Niall and I hold hands while Louis tries not to look at us, probably avoiding the pain of not having a hand to hold. I really do feel bad for him. So, I grab onto his hand and we skip through the halls towards the plane.

We get stared at by plenty of flight attendants, but all that does is make the giggles we had into cackles. We sounded like a bunch of idiots. Louis lets go of my hand and makes his way to his seat. Niall led me to ours, giving me a window seat.

When I am seated, I hide my phone and headphones from the flight attendants so that I can continue to listen to my music, with Gotta Get Out on repeat. I stare out of the window while the pilot tells us things that I honestly don't care about. I was scared before, but Niall just made me feel so safe. Like if the plane were to be falling out of the sky, he would be able to save me. No matter the circumstance.


Niall has fallen asleep on my lap. I sit here with my hands running through his hair, humming to my music. Thoughts of everything we have been through flow through my head. He saved me from death, more than once. From my father and from myself. He is my angel. He is my everything. I would not be here without him. I have this theory that he is my guardian angel, he came down to save me. I feel like I have known him all my life because I have, he has always been by my side, even if I didn't know he was there.


I lay still in Emma's lap, pretending to be asleep while she plays with my hair. Its feels so comforting so I don't say anything. I am almost actually asleep, but my thoughts are drifting. I have this theory that Emma is my savior. Before I met her, I had depression. I was taking meds, and my friends were about ready to send me to a mental institution. But I had gone out one night to dinner at a small diner. That's when I first saw her. She was so beautiful, but I could tell she needed help. And so, I did my best to help her before I was sent away. But I fell in love with her, everything she does is so imperfectly perfect. She is my savior because once I met her, everything changed. Everything in my life got better. Everything was perfect.


I sit behind Emma and Niall. They are so perfect for each other. Like I was perfect for Harry. I miss him so much. I just want him in my arms. I want to hold him. I want him to stop me from making any mistakes. I want him to sing me to sleep.

So here I am, listening to Harry sing Don't Let Me Go. I convinced him to record it so he could sing me to sleep while he was away on business trips. I had no idea that I would ever listen to it because he was dead. I am not afraid of death anymore. I would gladly welcome death with open arms, but Harry would tell me to hold on to what I have left, life. But the thing is, I have no life anymore. Harry Edward Styles was.. no. Harry Edward Styles is my life. Harry will always be everything that I am.

I grab my phone and pull up twitter.

Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis

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