Chapter 26

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"I'M WHAT?!" I yelled a bit too loudly.

"Pregnant." the doctor stated once more calmly.

I just looked at the floor for a while, unable to say anything more than a few mumbles. Eventually I worked up the confidence to ask him a few questions about my pregnancy. I had gotten lots of pamphlets on just about everything.

I decided that I would call the doctor if I had more questions and we scheduled a few more appointments in the future. I wasn't really worried, I sure Niall would help me throughout these nine months.

But that's the thing, what if he doesn't want me anymore? What if he can't handle having a kid? What if he kicks me out and I have to move back in with my father? Now that I have these things running through my head, I don't want to tell him. I need to talk to someone. Anyone but Niall. So, I text Perrie.

To Perrie:

I need to talk to you. Lunch? xx

Hopefully she would understand. And maybe she will help me tell Niall. Because I can surely run from my pregnancy, but I can't hide it forever.

As I am getting back into my car, my phone buzzes.

From Perrie:

Of course! How about the little coffee shop in town? xx

To Perrie:

Sounds great! xx

 I put my phone in my purse next to the countless pamphlets and drove into town.


When I arrive, Perrie is sitting in a booth in the corner of the shop. I walk over to her clutching my purse. As soon as I sit down, she flashes me a bright smile. I am about to say something when we are interrupted by the waiter.

Perrie orders a white chocolate mocha and I order a green tea. It's not something I would usually order, so I'm sure that Perrie will take notice.

"Okay, so when is the baby due?" Perrie asks and it causes me to jump a bit.

"W-what?" I was quite confused.

"Well, you ordered tea, and I saw the pamphlets in your bag when you sat down.

It took me a second to respond but I eventually did. "Uhmmm... in early February."

"So when are you gonna tell him?" she questioned me.

"Who?" I was quite distracted.

"Niall! When are you going to tell Niall, the father of the baby your holding, that you are pregnant?" she half whispered half yelled.

"I-I don't know how. Or when. I have never had to do this." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Well, you don't have to do it today, but soon enough, you will start showing, and there is no hiding it then." she explained to me. I knew that already, I mean, I'm not stupid.

"How do I tell him?"

"Well, I wouldn't go to extreme lengths, just accidentally drop one of your pamphlets. He will ask you about them. I'm sure."

I nodded lightly and took a sip of my tea. Perrie's phone lit up and started to buzz. While she talked on the phone, I simply imagined Niall being mad at me. I could just see him yelling and kicking me out.

A tear almost slips out of my eye, but Perrie interrupts me.

"I've got to go, don't worry, you will be fine. Call me if you need me!" she said as she gathered her things up and hurried out the door.

I sat in my spot for a while, lulling things over.

Eventually, one of the waitresses came over and asked if I was okay.

"Well, I'm pregnant, and I am so scared my boyfriend is going to be pissed at me." I answered truthfully.

"Honey, there are 16 million people out there in the world asking this same question every year. I mean, I got pregnant when I was 17, and my boyfriend forced me to get an abortion. To this day, I wish I had been stronger, then I would have a child with me now." she explained.

I looked up at her. "Thank you." and I left.

The whole car ride to the house was extremely nerve racking. I was gonna tell him. Well, I'd try. If he shot me down, I'm sure Perrie would convince Zayn to let me stay with them for a while.

When I pulled up to the driveway, Niall's car was already there. From what I could tell, the bedroom light was on, so Niall was either crying or sleeping. But there's always the chance that he had left the light on and was in the kitchen.

I slowly but surely made my way up the path to the door, clutching my purse tightly.

When I made it inside the house, I hurried to the kitchen.

"Niall! Could you come here please?" I called in no particular direction.

Sure enough, footsteps sounded from out of the bedroom.

"Hey babe!" he wrapped his arms around my waist, pecking kisses up and down my neck.

"Sit down please." I said pointing to the chair in which we usually have breakfast.

He sat down and looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. I sat across from him and grabbed his hands in mine, my purse next to me.

"Niall, I'm pregnant." I said plainly.

All color left his face.

"Okay, I know I know." I said, my voice dry.

Ashamed, I pulled out a pamphlet with big words on the front and set it on the table so Niall could see what it said.


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