Chapter 16

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The blonde man was pacing around a bedroom. His index and thumb nails in between his teeth. His hair was gelled up. He wore some navy sweatpants with a school name down the side and a large, old, red tee shirt covered in old stains with white lettering on it. He had a white bandage wrapped around his bicep.

Around the room, were girl clothes. Dresses and makeup sprawled out on the bed. A picture frame is on the dresser. A woman and her daughter. The woman has long, red hair. The daughter has short, red hair and freckles. They are both laughing. They seem to be at a park in the late fall. They look so happy.

The blonde man that I know so well, yet not at all sits down on the bed and cries.

"What is wrong? Why are you crying?" I say. But, my voice is extremely muffled. Almost like I am not with the blonde man at all. But like I am visiting him like a ghost. I gulp and realize that the blonde man will not be able to respond to me at all. Instead of fighting the pain in my heart from fighting against my restraints of talking, I sit and watch.

He lays on the bed sobbing for quite a while. There is a pain inside of my heart like it is tearing in half. He seems so lonely. Me and him are the same. We lay in bed crying when no one is around. We are both so lonely, but no one notices.

He clutches tightly on a sweatshirt. It is black with white band lettering on it. The letters say '5SOS' and there are some other things on it, but I cannot see them. As the tears stream down his face, he is lightly singing. I can hardly understand what he is saying but I hear him.

"She looked so perfect standing there

in my American apparel underwear.

and I know now, that I'm so down.

Her lipstick stain was a work of art,

I've got her name tattooed with an arrow heart.

And I know now that I'm so down."

His voice is so beautiful. He stops signing and continues to sob.

I hear him whispering a name. I can't quite hear it so I move a bit closer to the bed.

"Emma... I miss you." he whispers over and over.

So.... wait, he knows me?! Not only that, but he misses me!

I quickly begin being extremely confused. Why would a man I have never met miss me? Maybe the men that visited me were right.

The man picks up his phone and dials. The phone rings for a bit but someone eventually picks up.

"Yeah, I know you want me dead... I didn't kidnap her! ... Yeah well I'm in kind of a bad situation here... I need you to get her. If you don't bring her to me, I will kill you... well..... you're not going to like this but, she's in a mental institution across the state... well take it up with her!!" I can hear barely audible talking in the pauses the man takes.

The man hangs up and throws the phone at the wall. Surprisingly, there was no damage.

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