Chapter 5

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Steve and Dusky left the library after thanking Samuel and his parents. Steve had a new book, tucked under his arm, and was staring slightly curiously at Dusky, a question on his mind.

"Why did you want me to have this book?" Steve questioned, confused and wondering if Dusky could read. Dusky turned to face Steve. She was limping due to her injury and her chocolate eyes seemed focused. She then just looked in front of her then stopped. She sat on the path and pointed her muzzle to a shop. Steve followed the direction she was facing in. It was a pet supplies shop. An idea struck Steve. "Would you like to be my dog, Dusky?" He smiled. Dusky turned and pounced on Steve, attacking his face with rapid licks of her warm, slobbery tongue. Steve chuckled and managed to push Dusky off. "Then let's go inside and get you a collar!"

A small, iron bell-above the front door-indicated their entry. Steve could see all kinds of food, bowls and collars. There was a checkout opposite the door with a bored-looking man by the register.

There was a woman, around Steve's age, examining the chopped up fish in bags for cats. This woman had long, orange hair with a green top. She had a belt that was a darker shade of green and brown jeans with tall, dark grey boots.

Steve and Dusky made their way over to the collars. There were collars of all colours. Steve adjusted his new book slightly.

"Which do you want?" Steve asked. "You choose whatever one you want." I the corner of his eye, Steve saw the woman give him a weird stare-he acutely noted this woman had green eyes-but he ignored it. Dusky lightly bit the black collar with the bone-shaped tag and tried to pull it off the rack. Steve helped her and they brought it to the checkout. Steve placed the collar onto the desk and the man took it.

"What's your dog's name?"

"Err, Dusky." The man then proceeded to walk lazily up to a machine, with the collar, that Steve didn't notice before. The man pressed some buttons and then the machine began to work, pressing roughly against the dog tag. After the machine stopped moving, the man walked sluggishly up to Steve and handed him the collar. Dusky's name was carved into the tag.

"That's two nuggets." Steve changed the collar so it was in the same hand as his book was and dug into his pocket. He grabbed two golden nuggets and handed them to the man, thanking him. Steve then turned to Dusky, kneeled down to her level and put his book on the floor so he could put the collar on. Dusky jumped onto Steve again but quickly got off him. Steve could see the happiness in her brown eyes. He picked up his book and they left for his house.

Dusky was still jumping about with excitement, her new collar was shiny in the sunlight. Steve let out a horrified gasp as Dusky accidentally landed on all four of her paws. Dropping his book, he dashed up to Dusky, a worried look plastered across his face.

Dusky let out no whine in pain, she didn't even flinch. She was standing perfectly fine on all four legs. Her joy seemed to grow and she howled in delight. Steve was staring, dumbfounded. A wound like Dusky's should've took longer to heal. Steve hugged Dusky tightly, it didn't really matter though; Dusky was happy.

Steve was sitting on his bed, a sleeping Dusky on his lap and his book in hand. The book contained a lot of information.

Steve soaked up as much of this information as he could. He learnt that this 'Herobrine' guy looked almost identical to him and had amazing abilities. Herobrine could float, teleport, use telekinesis, enter dreams, create fire with just his hands- wait a minute. Steve's eyes twanged back to the words 'enter dreams'. His heart dropped in his chest. Was Herobrine the reason for his nightmares? No...he was just a myth, used to scare children into behaving. He didn't really exist, he couldn't; it was absurd. Steve shook his head and read on.

It turns out, Herobrine could also turn himself invisible and force animals to sleep although there were no cases of him doing this to a human. Steve felt his heartbeat rise. Herobrine was well known for evil and if he was after Steve then...all Steve could do was pray that he wasn't.

Steve noticed a piece of paper in the back of the book. He placed a bookmark in the page he was on then flipped to the back. The paper fell onto Dusky's head but she didn't stir. Steve picked it up and began to read.

Dear reader of this letter,

If you or someone you know is experiencing dreams or nightmares of Herobrine, I beg of you, please visit me in my castle; it is urgent. Don't assume it's just paranoia or plain fear that causes these dreams.


Why would the almighty Notch write a letter to be placed in this book? Steve wondered. It obviously must be a big deal. He let out a long sigh. If Notch requested for all people that dream of Herobrine to visit him, then Steve would-of course-obey his wishes. Notch was the creator of these lands and every good thing in it, including Steve, which gave Steve the upmost respect for Notch. Steve nudged Dusky and she awoke to look up at him.

"Tomorrow, Dusky, we're going on a journey to someone very important." Steve explained. Dusky tilted her head then jumped off Steve's lap and onto the floor. Steve had taken off Dusky's bandages earlier to find that all that left was a scar. "No harm in packing a bag now though." Steve acknowledged and got off his bed as well.

Steve grabbed his brown leather backpack and opened it up. He would need food, medical supplies and weapons. He plodded downstairs and grabbed a couple of apples and cooked pork chops. The apples would be for him and the pork for Dusky. He placed them in his leather backpack. Medical supplies next. Steve trudged back to his room, where Dusky was sitting down, a map in her mouth.

"Good idea." Steve smiled then took it off her, petting her before putting the map in a small pocket on the front of his backpack. He then grabbed his med kit and put that in his backpack as well. He then placed his backpack down next to his bead and leaned his iron sword up against it. "I'm going to sleep, Dusky." Steve announced and got under the cozy covers. Once he was comfortable, Dusky jumped up onto the bed and lay next to Steve. Steve held her close and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Dusky." He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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