Chapter 11

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Herobrine let out an annoyed sigh, ran his fingers through his brown hair, and closed the book he was reading. So he was still being too rough with the human? He shook his head. Mortals were strange creatures. Herobrine wasn't particularly happy with what he had found out but began to think of a way to keep his pride and use this new information to his advantage .


Steve was trying hard not to cry. His side, where Herobrine had cut him, was still bleeding and hurting like Nether. He had also managed to reopen his stab wounds on his arm and his leg. When he tried to rip his shirt again, he found he was too weak to do so. It wasn't bleeding badly anywhere but it stung like there was no tomorrow. His dry throat and empty stomach only added to Steve's pain. He wanted it all to end.

He heard the familiar sound of the heavy door opening and whimpered in fear. Herobrine was back to torture him. All Steve could do was curl up into a ball and push himself against the wall. Tears began to fall. What else could he do?  Absolutely nothing. He could hear Herobrine's footsteps. They got closer and closer as Steve's heart pounded faster and faster to the point where he thought it was going to explode. Steve closed his eyes shut tight; not wanting to see Herobrine anymore.

Then there was a noise that Steve couldn't describe. He had never heard it before and it was very faint but he could no longer feel the chain that attached him to the wall. The metal collar on his neck was still there though.

In one swift movement, Herobrine crouched down and gently picked Steve up bridal style. Steve yelped in shock and tensed under the god's touch. His eyes were wide open and he grabbed onto the closest thing he could, out of reaction, which happened to be Herobrine's neck.

"Don't worry, Stevie." Herobrine chuckled. "I'm not going to drop you." Of course, Steve didn't believe him but right now he was focused on other things. Herobrine was clearly being careful to avoid Steve's injuries. Why?

Herobrine carried Steve to the door, which was still open. What was happening? Steve wouldn't let himself relax. This had to be a trick. It was brighter when they got out the room and as he was so used to being in the dark his eyes had to adjust to the light. He blinked a few times, then nervously glanced up to Herobrine, who was staring down at him. Steve quickly looked away, afraid to make eye contact.

Herobrine carried Steve up some stairs. He had stopped staring at Steve and, instead, was looking straight ahead. Steve looking around for anything suspicious but nothing seemed like it didn't belong. Steve knew he was showing his confused and frightened emotions on his face but couldn't seem to change them. Herobrine carried Steve up more stairs then down a long corridor. Not for a second did Steve's tense muscles rest.

Herobrine could feel Steve's heart thumping against the mortal's chest. Steve was scared.

They stopped outside a double door that was bigger than the other doors they had previously passed. It was also a lot more decorated and looked like it belonged somewhat more regal. The lavish doors suddenly opened without anyone touching them. Steve realised that Herobrine had just used his power of telekinesis. Said god then proceeded to carry Steve across the threshold.  

The room was quite obviously  a bedroom. In the middle, against the wall, was a massive king-sized bed with blood red sheets and comfy looking pillows. Sliding doors on the side of the room lead into a walk in wardrobe and a door opposite lead to a bathroom. There were two unused bedside tables that resided on either side of the bed and a rug that lay right in front of the bed. As Steve was peering around the room in disbelief, he  heard the doors close behind him.

Cruel but Gentle - Herobrine X SteveWhere stories live. Discover now