Slowly Drowning - 1

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I woke up to the sounds of my mother shouting, never a good sound. I dressed quietly, afraid to notify her I was awake, even more afraid of the bottle she would be grasping in her hand.

My mom wasn't always like this. She never lay a hand on me until I turned 13, and changed into a wolf for the first time. She blamed my father, a man who slept with her once before leaving her pregnant and alone. She was a witch, and how she never figured out he was a wolf was beyond me.

The only perks of it is she hides my scent. We live in a small house right on the border of a pack, the Alpha of which is my mate. He doesn't know that, and I don't exactly plan on telling him anytime soon.

His name was River Jones, and he was a god.

He was your cliche jock, football captain and dating the head cheerleader. It pained me every time he would kiss her, but I thank god he never took it farther than that.

I was slowly drowning, and I could never take him with me.

My name is Alaska, a stupid name for a stupid girl. Or at least that's what my mom told me.

Once John Green wrote the book, the name skyrocketed. I was asked left and right if my mom me after her, never mind the fact it was published way after I was born.

I drove too fast, and was too sarcastic to my teachers. It wasn't my fault they were stupid, but it was my fault I could never keep my mouth shut. It was just easier this way, easier to hide the bruises from my mothers hand, easier to hide the cuts by my own.

That's another reason I can't get caught up in actually having a mate. He can't be in this, having a drunk witch makes your injuries even worse. I used to have friends, but once I shifted she scared them all away.

Let's say they had such vivid nightmares of me killing them, they cried for the longest time when they even saw me.

The reason my mom despises my shifting so much is because it's another thing to remind her of him. He was her mate, but rejected her as soon as he fucked her for someone of higher power. It broke my mom, and in turn, my mom broke me.

I passed a mirror on my way out, a bruise formed on my jawbone creeping its way up my cheek. My mom always made sure to hit hard enough that even with my wolf healing, it'll be there for a while. I sighed as I got out of the house without any yelling, climbing onto my bike as I sped off to school.

High school. In other words: hell.

Willowbrook High was the most cliche ridden school you would ever see. The wolves mingled with the humans nicely, but it was still obvious that the jocks made fun of the nerds, and the nerds cowered form the jocks.

I was the schools residential drug addict. Even though I never actually took drugs.

I guess because I smelt like alcohol a few times when I came to school it went around I drank a lot. In reality, my mom crashed a bottle over my body and I didn't have time to change. If I do much was late to school, let's just say my mom gets worse at home.

I pulled into the parking lot and sighed, my eyes immediately darting to him. River fucking Jones. He doesn't even notice my stare, his blue eyes locked on the girl in his arms.

Paige Amorta.

Incredibly beautiful, and incredibly kind.

She wasn't the type to bitch at you for talking to River. Word is they were best friends as children, and if neither of them find mates by the time they're twenty she'll become the Luna. Fine by me, even though I still yearned for him.

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