Football Games and Rapey Werewolves - 5

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I don't know what it was that first woke me up, the sunlight streaming against my face, or then loud snores right in my ear. I peeled open my eyes to have an arm wrapped tightly around my waist, and last nights events came crashing back to me.

My eyes bugged out when I found a half naked River, my body squirming as I got out of his grasp. My eyes bugged out even farther when I witnessed his 'morning wood,' as my cousins would call it.

'You could just wake him up an-'

'Alicia no!' I shook my head as she grumbled in my head, backing away from his sleeping form slowly.

Should I leave a note? Wake him up? What the hell does a normal person do in this type of situation?

I don't even think a normal person would even be in this situation.

I turned right as I hit the tree line and his body stirred, my feet bringing me to my house. It was Friday, I had to go to their pack house tonight and deal with a wolf party. I just pray to the Goddess that they don't shift in front of me, I don't really feel like pretending I learn about them earlier than I should have.

Somewhere, deep within me, I want River to tell me. I want him to love his 'pathetic human mate,' and to truly accept me. I just hope he doesn't hate my guts when I tell him I'm really a wolf. Even if I have a really good excuse.


Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked into the school three hours later. I ducked my head down, wordlessly making my way to my locker. I stuck my head in, the cold metal scaring away the headache that was forming in the front of my head. I finally took out my books as the bell rang, shutting the door with a slam as I made my way to English.

Andrews eyes widened as I stepped in, my eyebrows furrowing at both his and James surprised faces. "What?"

James shook his head before his eyes glazed over, Rivers seat empty while Andrew continued to stare at me. "Did you tell River where you were?"

"Didn't know I had too. We're not exactly talking, remember?" I took out my notebook as I began to write down the notes in the board, rolling my eyes at the information she had actually gotten wrong about Shakespeare. "Besides, where is he? Isn't the game tonight?"

Andrew nodded slowly, his eyes trained on the door. I knew he would be rushing through it soon; that's the one thing everyone knew about River. He loved his entrances.

As I finish my thought, he comes running in. His hair is rustled, bags under his eyes and wrinkles covered his clothes. I hid my smile as I bent down over my notebook, not giving him even a glance.

I smell his body wash from over here, woodsy and pine from his wolf blasting from the door straight to my nose. I shut my eyes at the pure euphoria I get from it, smiling when I feel hot hot breath of my neck. I felt him inhale my scent gently, shutting my eyes even tighter at the pleasure it gave me.

I looked up to find his ocean eyes staring at me, sending him a soft smile. "Morning, you know you really shouldn't be late on game days." He let out a breathy laugh, collapsing into his seat. "What's up with you?"

"Just woke up this morning late, and couldn't find, something." My eyebrows raise involuntarily, my pen scratching against the paper as the rest of the class went on with their own conversations.

"We have more questions to answer." His eyes search for something on me, sniffing gently in the air.

Do wolves seriously think they're being nonchalant when they do that?

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