Bright Lights and Creepy Receptionist - 11

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I couldn't fucking sleep.

I stared up at my ceiling for god knows how long, my wolf restless deep inside of me. She wanted to come out and go run with her mate, to climb him and let him mount us in wolf form.

As if that'll ever fucking happen.

'It really isn't bad!'

'The fuck it isn't! Wolves are insanely rough in their form, he will practically murder us in his wolf form.'

'Yeah murder this pu-'

'Oh my god Alicia!' I was mortified at my own wolves thoughts, although I doubt Rivers were much better.

I heard the air pressure shift as the slightly sound of the door hinges creaked, my head popping up slightly to find River creeping into my room. I smiled to myself, he couldn't sleep without me either.

"River?" I laughed to myself as he jumped, his body stumbling back against my wall. He shook his head as he made his way to my bed, resting his knees against the edge of it.

"I, uh, this is awkward but,"

"River, come get in bed." I pulled back my comforter, laughing as he practically leaped into bed with me. His bare chest grazed against my hand, reminding me that I'm wearing a big t shirt and nothing else, no underwear nor pants.

His arms circled me and pulled me closer to him, my head resting against his chest. He rolled over slightly to where he lay on his back with me over him, my legs split over one of his. I shut my eyes as his chest rose and fell, his heartbeat lulling me to sleep.


Six am came way earlier than I really wanted it too. I nuzzled deeper into the crook of Rivers neck, sighing in content. My fingers trailed up and down his chest, looking up only when I felt his breathing become heavier.

I looked up to find his eyes dark as coal, as I squeezed mine shut so he wouldn't see the change in my own. I shoved my wolf back before opening my eyes to find him still staring at me, leaning forward until I was mere centimeters from his face.

"Come on, we have a flight to catch." I grinned as he groaned, rolling out of my bed and thumping to the floor. I smiled at the feeling of the warmth from the carpeted floor, glad that with my wolf healing and the fact my mother had been gone I hadn't had any fresh bruises or cuts.

I felt normal, like I was supposed too. A teenage girl madly in love with a boy who doesn't know she's madly in love. That's normal, right?

I shook my thoughts as I stood up and made my way to the clothes I had pulled out, tugging on the leggings and maroon sweater I had chosen since it was already cold in New York. As much as I detested the fact he bought play tickets and rented hotel rooms for us, I was still insanely excited to be going to New York. I had barely been anywhere except for the occasion coven meeting, and even then it was because I was summoned along with my mother.

My mother pretends she doesn't want me using my powers till I hit 18 and change as most witches call it, but in reality she's just scared. Even though my wolf was more dominant, I had more powers than her, and I hadn't even reached my full powers, my 'full potential' as the council says. My birthday was Christmas Day, but we never celebrate the day anyway.

The best birthday I ever had was when I was 12, and slit my wrists right at the hour of my birth. That's the only sure fire way a witch will die, if the means of her death is the hour she came into the world. Don't ask me why, but that's apparently the way the cookie crumbles.

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