Chapter 3- The Stalker

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You walk your way to school alone, Jackie must of gone ahead. The school is in sight now, not much further. Eyes start to burn into the back of your head. Quickly you look around, nothing. As you continue walking the rest of the way, you feel it again.... Like eyes are watching, but from where? You look around once more...still nothing. As you walk your pace quickens.

When you reach the school you head towards the lockers. Jackie is waiting there. She is talking with- Shanel?! As she sees you Shanel slips away into the flow of high schoolers. When you get over to Jackie she plays it off as if nothing happened.

"Who was that??" You say confused

"Hmm? No one, why?" She calmly says back

You look at her for a second then shrug. Taking your stuff from your locker, you have the morning chat. Jackie still acts as if nothing is wrong, you start to forget what happened. Heading off to class, Nightmare watches from the shadows.

-Nightmares pov.-

'There she is... I wonder if she knows I'm here, hopefully not. How will I get her without anyone seeing? Maybe I can take her at lunch? Maybe at the house... ' I smile, this plan is going to work, wether she likes it or not. 'I will have her and she will be mine.' I fade into the shadows and follow her into a room, it's too bright I can't go in. I'll go outside and look in then. I teleport outside the window and wait.

- Your pov. -

As you sit in math you notice a figure outside, it looks weird and goopy. 'Wait it can't be!' You squint and rub your eyes, it's gone... Must of been imagination from lack of sleep...


The bell goes off and you start class.
During class you constantly feel watched. It never goes away. You sit far from the window in this class but it still feels so close. Like if you reach out your hand, it would be there. After some math problems you rest your head on the desk. Daring to test the limits you shut your eyes for a minuet.

When they open and you look to the window it's there again, the goopy figure. Only for a split second though. It teleports away as you stare from the other side of the room. Your head shoots up and some people look at you. You start to go back to your paper and finish quickly.

When you finish you ask to go to the bathroom. You leave with a pass. Relived, you walk down the hallway a bit. Still! You feel watched, no matter where you are someone's watching you! Angrily you wait till the one student in the hallway leaves then look around.

"What do you want from me!" You exclaim in the open air.

Good thing it's an outdoor school or you would of been heard.


You walk down the rest of the way and use the rest room. Always watching and looking around you head back to class and continue the day. For the rest of the day 'He' leaves you alone...

~Time skip~

When you enter the house a bottle of some sort is smashed into the wall. You hear screaming and shouting, your parents at it again. Quietly you escape to your room, where the sweet quiet awaits. As soon as you shut the door you flop onto the bed. The eyes, their back.

Muffled by the pillow you say, "Go away, leave me alone."

"And why should I do that?" A mysterious, deep, smooth voice responds.

Your head shoots up, who was that. Quickly searching your room you see no one. So you lazily go back to you bed. That's when you see him. He looks like a skeleton, but covered with goop and arms coming out of his back. He reminded you of a horror movie you saw with Jackie earlier in the year.... Slender.

He smiles, "Hello f/n..." his grin widens.

He scares you, you back up into the wall. Slowly he gets up, but then before you could even blink an arm grabs your neck as you manage a small squeak. All you see is his grin, then you pass out.

(A/n- you guys know f/n means first name right? Just making sure. Well I might be able to do one more chapter this week, idk. Anyway hope you enjoyed the first 3 chapters! Next one coming soon!)

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