Chapter 9- Plan In Action

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You awake to the sound of the bed underneath you creaking as you turn over. 'Wait, bed? How did I get back here?' Nightmare probably put you here after you fell asleep last night. At least, it looked like night.

That was really fun, lunch under the stars, only if Jackie could of seen it. She loves stars just as much as you do. I mean, who doesn't?

The door creaks open a bit and you see Cross, "Psst, get ready. The plan will start in 10. So be quick."

He was a bit snappy today, I wonder why. But nonetheless, you got up and ready. After you change and get most of your stuff you check the clock. 8:09. One more minuet...

Cross comes in right as the nine changes to ten. He looks at you and nods to the bed. Quickly you run over and arrange the pillows to look like you were sleeping. Then ran back over to Cross. He nodded then went down the hallway.

As you left you shut the door behind you very softly, praying for silence. There was a small creak but that was it. You meet up with Cross again at the end of the hall. He's waiting for you.

Quickly he pulls out a giant knife and slashes the wall. You stare at the knife and back up. He puts it away and your heart beat goes back down a bit. 'Why does he have that??!!!? Why does he need it more importantly...'

Where the red slash on the wall was a portal opened. Just like he said it would. Quickly you both run through as you hear footsteps. Your running out of time. When you reach the other side your in front of your house.

You look around, your back. Safe at last...

Your parents. Before you touch the handle to your house you reconsider. Maybe Jackies home...

Before you head over to Jackies , you look over to Cross. Quickly you give him a hug. He just stands there a bit shocked. Before he said anything you head to Jackies house.

Switch up here~ Cross pov~

The plan I had set worked. She's back home and out of the way. Finally I don't have to deal with that brat getting in the way anymore. I smile to myself and leave.

'Now I can have Nightmare, all to myself. She was to easily deceived. Saying I would take her home was enough to gain her trust. Humans, there so stupid. How could he even want her... She's so stupid and naïve'

Now just to cover up the portal and all will be done.

"Cross." Nightmare said with death leaking from his voice.

"Y-yes, what is it Nightmare?" I say trying to sound casual

"Tell me where she is or you will die where you stand." He says getting close

'Aww crap...'

(A/n- Cliff hanger~~ Also just wanted to say thanks to you all for reading. Seeing the number of reads, likes, and seeing your comments really make my day 😊. I'm really glad your enjoying the story so far. I plan to try to make it as long as possible. Ok that's all now biiiee~)

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