Chapter 22- A visit home

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You awake suddenly to Nightmare shaking you. At first you just roll over, trying to go back to sleep. Then you realize why he's shaking you, you get to go home today! Before Nightmare shakes you again you jump out and hug him. Causing both of you to fall onto the floor. The bed wasn't very high off the ground so the impact caused no damage. (Phew, Nightmares alright ok, you didn't hurt him)

Nightmare giggles at your action. Brushing your sloppy bed head with his fingers. He reaches a knot and pulls your face up to look at his. You smile and give him a quick kiss. He blushes and before you get up pulls you into another one. A much deeper, heavenly one.

You melt from the heat of the kiss. Nightmare licks your teeth asking for entrance. You hesitate a bit before allowing him in. His tongues explore every part of your mouth. When you both part there is a small trail of saliva that remains connecting you both. Both of you a little out of breath, look at each other.

His blue eye is soft and kind, perfect to match your (e/c) ones. He kisses your forehead and lets you get up to change. You quickly change and get ready for the exciting day ahead. When you come back out Nightmare is still lying on the floor.

You giggle and flop on top of him. He awakes from his nap and holds you close, kissing your cheek. You use your hands and cover your blush. He smiles and teleports you both to the throne room. Almost tripping you re-gain your balance.

He holds your hand and says softly, "Ready to go home?"

You give a quick nod and smile at him. He smiles back, teleporting you to the street you almost forgot. It's been so long, you barely remembered what it looked like. It's a nice neighborhood, no crimes happen here. There is a poster on the light post next to you. 'Lost child (y/n) if you find her please call xxx-xxxx' Underneath it is a photo of you when you were out with Jackie from the movie you went to see. That was the day you both realized you were best friends.

You crumple up the paper and throw it on the ground. Walking away from your home. Toward Jackies house, that's where you need to go. Hopefully this goes according to plan...

(Sorry for the late update, summer just rolled around and wanted a few days to relax. More chapters coming soon!!)

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