Chapter 10 A Prophecy Comes True

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Noah hadn't realized that his mother had come home that night. He was distracted by his rage and his visitors. So his surprise over took him when he heard her scream in the room next to his as his home crumbled around him. All the energy that traveled and destroyed the shack, retracted into Noah immediately. He burst through what was left of the wall that separated him from his mother. He saw her on the bed, metal ceiling pieces had fallen on her and she had blood running down her face. The TV was the only light in the room. Noah reached out his hand, stealing the energy from the TV and using is to create pillars that grew and lifted the metal off his mother. He dragged her off the bed and outside. 

The shack was nothing but scrap on the ground by the time he laid his mother on the ground. He summoned a ball of energy for light and made it hover above them. The rusted metal had pierced her body in multiple places and her eyes were still closed shut. Tears welled in Noah's eyes. He looked around for something, anything, that would help her. He placed his hands on her head and concentrated. He felt the energy that coursed through her body leaving her. He forced more into her, putting it anywhere it would go. She opened her eyes and looked up at Noah.

She opened her mouth to say something but blood came out. Tears were streaming down Noah's face now but he couldn't give up. He forced more energy into her, but that just made the blood come out faster. He pushed, more and more. It was all he could think of to do, it was all he could do. His mother coughed uncontrollably and her eyes closed slowly as she tried to stare up at Noah. 

Noah could feel the energy leave her and escape into the ground. He reached out and stole it back, not wanting to let anything go. He cried over her for hours, throwing more energy into her to try to bring her back. But the energy flowed through her like water through a river. 


The next day Noah didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to. After some thought, he knew he needed to. There had to be some way to reverse what he had done. He flew up into the air, faster than he ever had. Mark was flying towards him so he flew to meet him, not wanting Mark to see what he had done. 

Surprised, Mark stopped mid flight in front of Noah. "You seem..." Mark stared at Noah, thinking. "Are you ready?"

"Yes" Noah didn't meet Mark's gaze, but Mark didn't care. He just turned, and began to fly. Noah followed.


It wasn't long before they had reached a large mountain with no sign of civilization around. Mark landed on the top of the mountain and Noah landed beside him. "Reveal your mark." It was the only words that had been spoken since they left for their journey. 

Noah rolled up his sleeve and the hand print on his shoulder glowed. A passage grew from the mountain, a doorway forming. Mark stepped forward and Noah followed again. The walk was long and bland but Noah didn't lose focus. The temperature increased and the stone walls narrowed. Any normal man would have grown claustrophobic or died of dehydration.  

The two reached a hallway where the walls separated from each other and doorways were revealed. The two walked between the doorways towards a large door at the end. They entered and a man was waiting on the other side. 

He kept his back turned and greeted them. "Welcome!" His voice boomed around the stone room. "I've been expecting you for a long while." He turned around, a concerned look on his face, but once he gazed at Noah, his expression turned to surprise. "Y-you?"

Noah stared back. "Yes, me. You expected me. I have questions I want answered." There was no response. "First, who are you?"

"I...I...I'm the master. I control all knowledge..." 

"Next question, do you know how to bring someone back from the dead?"


It was at this moment that Mark interrupted. "Bring someone back? What did you do?"

"That is for me to know and you never to find out." Mark turned towards the master. 

"Please grant me with the knowledge of what has happened, master." He stared at him but nothing happened. "Master?"

"I'm sorry Mark. But there has been an...interruption... in what I can grant you. must be going." The master couldn't take his eyes off of Noah, and Noah noticed this. 

"What is your problem?"

"Noah!" Mark demanded. 

"No! He has been staring at me like I have a second head ever since I walked into the room."

"I apologize" The master turned away. "I have not been able to read you. Your knowledge...its protected. This has never happened."

"There's something more. You're looking at me like I killed your brother. You look terrified.  What did I do to you?"

"You...there has been a vision. You are destined to kill one of our own. may want to leave for this part."

"No! What you need to tell Mark you can tell me to."

"You need to be terminated, so the events you are destined to do will never come to pass." Noah didn't know what to say. He stared at the back of the master's head. "You can have half a day to say goodbye, but then you must return here, or we will send someone to get you."

Noah couldn't move. He had come here to bring his mother back, now he finds out he was going to be killed as well. His sadness from that morning was replaced with anger that swelled, worse than the night before. 

He turned around to walk out of the room, taking a deep breath. "And Noah" the master called after him. "Please don't do anything you will regret."

Noah stopped where he was. "At least tell me...who had this vision." 

The master hesitated but then gave up the information. "A man named Trevor. He has control over sight. He can see the past and future. He had the vision."

At that, Noah walked out the door. Instead of leaving, he took a deep breath and put on an expressionless face. He walked into the room to his right and saw a woman sitting on the floor. Fire danced up and down the walls. She looked over at him.

"Sorry," he said. "Wrong room, I'm looking for Trevor."

"Why?" She looked at him suspiciously.

"He's family. My uncle. He went missing forever ago and when I heard he was alive and here...I have to see him."

"Well..." She still stared at him, but with more curiosity than suspicion. "...he's three rooms down on your right. Um...tell him I said hi and...good luck?" 

"Thank you, so much." Noah closed the door and walked towards the described door. Opening it slowly, he saw a bland, stone room with a man sitting in the corner. He didn't see Noah enter as his back was turned. Noah closed the door behind him and electric snakes slithered up and down Noah's arms.

Trevor turned around to see his visitor. As he realized who it was he broke into tears. Noah stretched his arms in front of him and the snakes coiled on his palms. Trevor screamed as a lightning bolt flew from Noah's hands. 

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