Love Sucks - Prologue

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Copyright © 2010 Lottie Chamberlain.

All rights reserved.


This story, "Love Sucks" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks ad eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (Lottie Chamberlain) and any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

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Credit goes to Maddy (PandorE) for the cover art.



Southampton, England, 1859.

The sound of leaves crunching as someone stepped on them, it shocked me. I knew he was coming, coming to find me. He wanted to find me, but he expected not to... He wanted nothing more then to go home and sleep, but we both knew this was not possible.

Not after everything that had happened.

How could he have come out here alone? It was stupid of him to do so, knowing that I was out here... that others like me were also out here. It was too cold for a human body to stand, and even with such a distance between us, I could hear his teeth chattering together.

I could hear his heart beating frantically as he passed through the trees, his breathing becoming shallow rasps of fear in the darkness of the night that overlapped his surroundings. I could smell the stench of his blood that ran freely through his veins, coursing to his cheeks in blush from the cold.

It was time...

I took a deep breath in, my nostrils flaring, my throat burning at his scent. I snaked through the trees silently, knowing he was completely oblivious to the fact I was now stood behind the tree just to his right. So close, yet so far apart...

I flitted up close to him, and he still didn't acknowledge me. I could see the dark hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, with fear of what was about to come as he stay rooted to the spot. In fear of who I could be, for he knew better then to turn around and face me, under any circumstances. He knew far better then to ever have listened to me, then to ever have gotten close to me.

But he had asked for this; if not in the precise words, he had still asked for it in some other form. I heard his breath catch in his throat, his heartbeat faltering, before beating as fast as a humming bird's wings.

"Shh," I whispered to him, my voice such a whisper, he could - and might - mistake it as being part of the night. I lifted my index finger to the back of his neck, stroking his skin lightly. He shivered unwillingly, but at least he knew it was me, and not some other creature that lurked, stalking, preying in these forests.

He tilted his head to the side, exposing his throat to me. His heart was so faint with lack of breath as he held it tight inside of him, as though if he let it out, he'd scream. Maybe he would. Either way, he was going to.

And he did, as I accepted his final invitation, and dug my razor-sharp fangs into his throat, sucking at the thick, crimson-red liquid that oozed out, trailing down his neck under my mouth.

This was a dead end for him, now.

No going back...

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