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I have a book up called Running with the Wolves...I finished it about a month ago and if you are reading it or plan to read it, please don't read this...or any of the if I was here chapters I will post. It will probably spoil something major from that book. but everything else you can read :) lol. sorry! 

or if you don't want to read my other book and don't plan to you can read this! You don't have to have read it to follow along or understand. They will all take place in season 6, the storyline I didn't write in my book. 


After everything that group of teenagers had endured during the Dread Doctors time in Beacon Hills, the group of teenagers were finally getting used to life without a supernatural threat. 

Three months with out having to deal with the dangers of someone trying to kill them. They had a routine now, nothing was unexpected anymore. 

Wake up.

Go to school.

Hang out.

Do homework.

Go home.

Go to sleep.

And repeat it all the next day.

But that all changed, and it changed rather quickly. 

Veronica and Liam were out on a date when Liam's car broke down in the middle of an empty road. The sky was filled with stars and there was a cool breeze that made the leaves on the trees rustle. The two were stranded, but decided to make the best out of their situation and the fact that they were alone, which they weren't very often because of how overprotective Stiles was of his sister. 

Liam holds Veronica close in a warm embrace, but the sound of a car slowly approaching makes them turn in the opposite direction and they let go of each other. 

Thinking that maybe who ever is in the car can help them get Liam's car started again, Veronica tries to get the drivers attention by waving her hand. But to their surprise, the car doesn't stop. It just continues to roll towards them. Liam gently moves Veronica to the side fearing the car will hit them. He holds a hand out in front of her instinctively, ready to do anything it takes to protect her. His uneasiness begins to make her nervous and she places a hand on his shoulder. 

The car continues moving forward, narrowly missing Liam's car and only stopping when it hits a tree. Veronica and Liam share a worried glance, not sure what to expect. Liam slowly approaches the car and Veronica follows his lead. 

Liam stands by the drivers side, examining the broken windshield. He then opens the door and reaches over to get the keys out of the ignition when he notices the door from the passengers side has been ripped off the car. Not knowing what else to do, he reaches for the keys and turns off the car. As he begins to exit the car he glances up to the rear view mirror and sees the frightened face of a young boy, who upon being discovered exits the car quickly. 

"Hey!" Liam calls after him as the boy runs away, but the boy runs right into Veronica's arms. 

"Don't let them take me!" the young boy pleads. "Don't let them take me too."

Veronica and Liam share another glance, and they can see the other's fear in each other's eyes. 

"We won't." Veronica tries to soothe the frightened boy, but his eyes are fixed down the road. Liam follows his gaze, looking down into the empty road where the wind continues to pick up and whirl the leaves that have fallen down from the trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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