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The teacher passed back the exams and [y/n] tapped her fingers on her desk impatiently

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The teacher passed back the exams and [y/n] tapped her fingers on her desk impatiently. 

Scott, the boy with the adorable brown eyes, turned to her. "Don't be nervous. You'll be fine." he told her reassuringly. 

[y/n] sighed. "I don't know. I can't fail this class. I need it to graduate." 

Biology wasn't [y/n's] favorite subject. She had always struggled with it. But she found herself looking forward to going to class everyday when she was partnered with Scott for the labs. And he was very good at Biology. He had offered to help her study when she failed to get a good grade on their previous exam. She enjoyed spending time with Scott, and she hoped he enjoyed spending time with her as well.   

The teacher finally handed back her exam, and then handed Scott his. Scott smiled as he looked down at his graded exam. 97%. But he was even happier to see [y/n's] grade as he peaked over to see her exam. 89%.

She turned to him with disbelief and he smiled at her proudly. "You see! I told you."

[y/n] reached for Scott's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, and the boys heart began to beat just a little faster at her touch. "Well I couldn't have done it without you. So, thank you."

"You're welcome." he replied, squeezing her hand in return. 


The two walked out of their last class of the day together, happy with their scores on the exam. Scott and [y/n] walked out to the parking lot, and he even walked her to her car.

"What's wrong?" she asked upon seeing the sad expression on his face.

"It's just, now that you're doing well I guess we won't be spending a lot of time together anymore." he admitted, looking down at his shoes.

"Oh." she says, trying to suppress a smile as she realizes that he was feeling the exact same way she was. "Well, not necessarily. Now that we don't have to spend so much time studying...maybe we can do other things."

Scott looks up at her, his eyes having lit up with excitement. "Really?"

"Of course. I love spending time with you." she said before she could stop herself.

"I do, too." he said, holding her gaze long enough to make her blush.

She quickly leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, catching him off guard. Scott couldn't conceal the big smile that spread across his face. "See you tonight?" she asked.

"Definitely." he said before placing a kiss on her cheek and walking to his motorcycle. He couldn't stop smiling as he made his way over to his bike. He was slowly but surely falling in love with [y/n], and he was already counting down the hours until he could see her again.

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