J. DIAZ [forbidden; 1C]

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"What are you going to do?" Stiles asks as he moves closer to Deaton

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"What are you going to do?" Stiles asks as he moves closer to Deaton.

"The wolfsbane, she has an excessive amount of it in her system and the wounds are too many and too deep. We can't burn it out." He explains as he continues to rummage though this cabinet. 

"So what does that mean?" Scott asks.

Deaton finally finds what he's been looking for. He turns around and holds it up for everyone to see. Its a small glass jar with a clear liquid in it. "That means we just have to find another way to separate it from her system. And this'll do the trick." He walks towards you, and Stiles follows closely. The look of concern on his face saddens you. After everything that Scott and Stiles have been through the last thing you ever wanted to do was give them any more heartbreaks. You want to tell him something, to somehow comfort them all but you can't speak. You can barely breathe. "[Y/N], this is going to be a very painful process. But you have to stay awake, do you understand? You can't give in to the darkness that will try to take you. If you do, theres no coming back."

You take in another ragged breath, and nod right before coughing up more black blood. 

"How can I help?" Scott asks as Deaton takes the lid off the jar. "There has to be something I can do." He's desperate to help you, his beta.

Deaton thinks for a moment. "Take her pain. You can help by taking her pain. It'll make the process easier for her. It might even get her to start healing faster."

"Okay." Scott says, quickly taking his place by your side. He takes your hand in his, and Stiles stands next to him. You do your best to give them a reassuring smile but its interrupted by another bloody cough.

Josh stands across the table from Scott and Stiles, still holding on to your hand tightly. He refuses to let go. Deaton looks at him from Scott's side. "Josh, you have to keep her awake. Keep her focused on you." The boy you love nods, understanding his very important role in saving your life. "Stiles, do your best to help keep her still so she doesn't hurt herself." Deaton continues to instruct and Stiles nods as he gently places his hands around your ankles. 

Deaton looks back at Josh. "You ready?" he asks. Josh nods, determination on his face. He takes a deep breath and turns to look at you. Your eyes meet his and you can feel yourself slipping away again. You want to say something, just in case you don't make it. You want to tell him you love him. That it's not his fault, but you can't get a word out. He can see you struggling to say something and gently strokes your face. "Save your strength. You can tell me afterwards."

"All right, let's begin." Deaton says, his voice steady but concern all over his face. He slowly lets the clear liquid drip into your deep wounds. He lets a generous amount of it spill into your gashes. 

It's not long before you begin to wither in excruciating pain. Scott quickly begins to take your pain but theres barely any relief as its not just pain you feel, but a burning sensation that you feel is consuming you entirely. 

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