S. MCCALL & S. STILINSKI: when we were younger [3]

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T H E young boy stood in the corner of the living room with tears in his eyes as his father continued to yell

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T H E young boy stood in the corner of the living room with tears in his eyes as his father continued to yell. He held a bottle of liquor in his hands that was empty and his words were slurred. 

"It's all your fault. She's dead because of you." he yelled, and pointed an accusatory finger at the traumatized boy who stood in front of him. 

Stiles couldn't bring himself to say anything. He was doing his best to keep from crying. He lost his mother to dementia, but it seemed like he was going to loose his father too. Stiles trembled in fear as his dad smashed the liquor bottle and pieces of glass jumped off the wall and then they danced across the floor. 

"You killed your mother." Noah said as he stumbled towards his son and Stiles backed away. Stiles' father took a seat on the couch, his back to him, and began to sob. Stiles wanted to comfort his father but he was scared. Instead, he rushed upstairs and closed the door to his room, leaving his dad downstairs. He was unable to hear his father whisper I'm sorry over and over again.

The young boy picked up the phone in his small hands and dialed a number. 

"Hello." the small voice answered on the other end of the line.

"Scott, I'm scared." Stiles admitted to him. He knew that he could always count on Scott, no matter the situation. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" the other young boy asked, his voice heavy with concern. While he was young, he was very mature.

Stiles explained everything, not being able to hold back some tears. "Do you think...do you think maybe I could stay with you for a while. Or at least tonight?"

"Yeah, sure." Scott answered without hesitation. He knew his mother wouldn't turn Stiles away. 

The two boys hung up and while Melissa and Scott drove to the broken Stilinski household, Stiles packed some of his things into a bag. He gently placed a picture of the family that no longer existed into his bag and hoped that he could at least have his dad back someday. 

Stiles grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder. He quietly made his way down stairs. Scott and Melissa would be arriving at any moment. He slowly walked by his dad, who was know passed out on the couch. Stiles covered him with a blanket before going outside to wait for Scott.

They arrived soon and Stiles walked towards the car. Melissa greeted the young boy with a hug and a kiss on the forehead, the way his mother used to. "Go on, Scott is waiting for you in the car. I'm going to go talk to your dad, okay?"

Stiles nodded, thanked her, and then walked towards the car. Scott opened the door for Stiles and moved over so that he could get in. 

"I'm sorry." Stiles told his best friend, feeling like a burden. 

"Hey, don't ever apologize to me." Scott told him. "This is what best friends are for."

Stiles looked up at him and smiled through his tears. Scott wrapped an arm around Stiles and let him cry on his shoulder. 

This wouldn't be the first or last time the boys comforted each other during difficult times. Their heartbreaks bringing them closer and closer until they were no longer best friends, but brothers



okay this totally broke my heart. poor kiddos :(

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