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" Y O U got everything, [y/n]?" your brother Scott asked you

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" Y O U got everything, [y/n]?" your brother Scott asked you. You were both packing everything into Stiles' Jeep. He'd given it to your brother before heading off to Quantico, and now you two were going to drive all the way over there to visit him before school started again. You prayed the Jeep would make it through such a long trip. You really didn't want to spend the summer stranded somewhere with no where to go. You were going to start your senior year of high school and Scott was going to start his freshman year of college in a few months and before that happened you three wanted to spend some time together. 

"Yup!" you answered with a smile. "I'm ready to go."

Scott returned the smile and the two of you got into the Jeep. He was excited for this road trip. He was excited to see what life was like outside of Beacon Hills. And he was happy he was going to share that experience with you, his little sister. He loved you more than anything and he'd always do anything in his power to protect you. He was excited to go see Stiles, but he was also really looking forward to spending time with you before he had to leave. He looked over at you and laughed quietly to himself as you turned the map in all kinds of directions trying to figure it out. He then started the car and turned on it's headlights. The lights illuminated the space in front of you and shone on a distraught Lydia. 

The two of you gasped in shock. "Lydia?" Scott asked with concern.

"We can't leave." she answered painfully. "Someone's going to die."

You turned to Scott and he turned to you. The fear in both of your eyes clearly evident. The warning of a Banshee was never  to be taken lightly. Scott sighed, knowing that your trip to see Stiles would have to wait once again. "Get in." he told Lydia as he got out of the Jeep and helped her in. 

You turned to her. Her hands were shaking and her eyes wide. You placed your hand over hers and gave them a comforting squeeze. "Lydia. Who? Who's going to die?" you asked her, your heart pounding due to fear.

She slowly turned to look at you, her eyes glossy. "You." she whispered.


"[y/n.] Hey, [y/n]." Scott said as he gently shook you awake. 

Your eyes shot open, and you sat up in bed gasping for air.

"Woah, you okay?" your brother asked you, clearly concerned. He placed a hand on your shoulder and looked into your eyes. 

You shook your head as you tried to rid yourself of the fear that had taken over you in your dream and let out a shaky breath. "Umm. Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." you answered with a forced smile. Scott looked at you intently. He could tell you weren't being completely honest with him. You placed a hand over his. "I'm fine. I promise." you said as you squeezed his hand. 

He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Okay, then." he said, standing up straight. "Hurry up and get ready, we'll be leaving to see Stiles soon." he continued, excitement in his voice. 

"I'll be ready." you said with a smile and watched as your brother walked out of your room. You were about to get out of bed when your phone began to ring. You reached over to the night table  and grabbed it. You looked at the caller ID. It was Lydia. Your hands began to shake and your heart began to beat faster. 

"Hello?" you answered with a shaky voice.

"[y/n]! When are you guys leaving?" she asked.

"Umm. In a few hours. Why?" you asked nervously.

"Just asking. Wanted to wish you guys a safe trip. Especially since you'll be traveling in that Jeep."

You couldn't help but laugh. "Thank you." you said.

You spoke for a short while after that, never bringing up the dream that had left you so shaken. You said goodbye to Lydia and put your phone down on the table. You looked over at the clock. You still had quite a lot of packing to do and knew that if you didn't start soon you'd be running late. 

You walked into the bathroom, undressed yourself and got into the shower. You hoped it would calm your nerves for the rest of the day but you still felt shaky. 

The hours passed by rather quickly and before you knew it you were all packed and ready to go. 

"You got everything, [y/n]?" your brother asked.

"Yup! Ready to go." you replied with a smile.

Your brother smiled at you in return and the two of you got into the Jeep. You held your breath as he turned on the car and then the headlights. You let out a sigh of relief when a distraught Lydia was not standing there as she had been in your dream. 

Scott pulled out of the driveway and soon enough you were on the highway singing along to music as you began your long trip to go visit your childhood friend. The three of you had grown up together and it was difficult to be a part from each other. 

You smiled as you watched the trees pass you by in a blur. Instead of fear, you know felt excitement. You looked over at your brother who was concentrated on the road. You smiled as you watched him drive. Words couldn't describe how much you loved him and how much you would miss him. But for now you wouldn't think about that, you'd enjoy this road trip and enjoy every minute you got to spend with him.

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