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→You two meet for the first time

Stefan: A fresh start at a new highschool, alongside your newly made friends Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie, made meeting Stefan Salvatore practically inevitable. You first met him though, while in the woods, venturing your new town. You'd heard of past animal attacks, and rumors about Mystic Falls, and couldn't help yourself. You wanted to get to know every inch of this place. You were looking around cautiously, and without paying attention, you bumped into Stefan.

"Ah, damn, I'm sorry." You took a step back and stared at him apologetically, he just gave you a warm smile. You didn't know this, but he actually knew who you were prior to this. You'd never formally met, but he'd seen you with Bonnie a few days before and asked her about you, but never introduced himself. Now was better than never.

"No need, are you new here?" He knew the answer, but something about you made him want to start a conversation. You seemed interesting, and he found himself wanting to get to know you better.

Jeremy: You met Jeremy at the highschool. Though you normally never would've considered doing pot outside the school, the stoners convinced you, and there behold Jeremy. His sweet smile immediately pulled you in, and made you feel a lot less worried about the whole situation. This wasn't like you, but something told you to do it. To try something new, even with the slight risk of being caught.

"I don't think we've met, I'm Jeremy." He smiled again, with which you returned kindly.

"Y/N." You sat down next to him and started talking, feeling yourself being put at ease as the conversation went on, as well as the relaxation from the weed finally hitting you. You liked spending time with him this way, and it became a normal thing that you two did together.

Matt: His sister introduced you to him, but you'd known of his existence before. Whether it be Caroline talking about him, or Elena mentioning him, however this was the first time you met. Vicki invited you over, and that's where you met him. She'd said some remark that he responded to rather sarcastically, and while you awkwardly stood there, she spoke up.

"Matt, Y/N. Y/N, Matt." You waved shyly, as did he. You first noticed his gorgeous blue eyes, and were intrigued, but never engaged in any conversation. It was brief, but nice overall. You two eventually began talking regularly, due to the amount of time you spent with his sister. You loved Vicki, but Matt was refreshing, and wasn't really anything like her. It was nice to be surrounded by the both of them.

Vicki tended to get jealous often, upset that you and Matt started to grow closer, and somewhat regretted introducing you guys. She knew that you were her friend though, and that wouldn't change even if you were friends with her brother too.

Tyler: The first time you and Tyler met, was when his life changed. Shortly after he'd become a werewolf, you moved to Mystic Falls and were persistent on making new friends there. Him, being one of them. He was hesitant at first, avoiding you at all costs because he didn't want anyone else involved with him and his new supernatural life, but you were determined to figure out what was going on. So, one night, you followed him quietly. He unknowingly directed you straight to the cellars under the old Lockwood property, where you felt uneasy and a little confused.

You followed him slowly, and carefully. Every step you took made you consider turning back, but you couldn't help yourself. When he started to chain himself up, that's when you began to worry. What in the world was he doing?

"Tyler? Wh-" before you could continue he showed immediate panic and screamed at you to leave. It wasn't really anger that showed, it was worry. He looked desperate to get you out of there. He yelled again, telling you to leave as his eyes started to glow. Once he started to break a sweat from straining against the chains, you made a run for it. Needless to say the first time you met him was disturbing.

Damon: Elena introduced you to Damon. After he returned to Mystic Falls unexpectedly, Caroline was involved in an accident. You'd never bothered to meet the Salvatore brothers, but when they decided that Damon would heal her with his blood, you were inclined to meet him. The blood-feeding still freaked you out, even though you were aware of the supernatural world thanks your best friends. You'd only ever heard bad things about the older Salvatore, but from what he was doing, you didn't see him as bad at all.

"And who, is this?" Damon asked as all of you stood at the Salvatore house, waiting to make a decision about Caroline. Stefan rolled his eyes at his brother, and discreetly shook his head at you, signalling to ignore Damon. You gave a shy smile to Damon, still unsure of him. His reputation was terrible, so you weren't sure how to approach him.

"Y/N." Elena answered for you, looking as pissed as ever. She cared for Caroline, but had no interest in taking the risk of giving her vampire blood. Damon just smirked, speaking no other words. You stayed quiet as well, worried how Elena would react if you talked to Damon.

• • •

Hello! I thought I'd start of with something basic for the first one. I mean, this has to start somewhere.

Anyways, I apologize if some of my facts (I don't know if that's what you'd call them, oh well) are off, of the real situations I actually put in here, all happened in the beginning of the series, so it was hard to remember every detail.

Hope you all liked it!

Love you!


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