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→You guys bump into each other one day after not seeing each other in a long time.

Stefan: "Y/N?" The sound of his voice made your heart stop. You were filling up your car at a gas station, minding your own business when suddenly every memory you'd ever had with Stefan cane rushing back with only the sound of his voice. You had never realized how much you missed him.

"Stef?" You replied, spinning on your heels to come face to face with someone who you used to know. His sweet smile rested on his lips. An all too familiar feeling filled your gut, and you couldn't fight the smile that you suddenly had.

"How have you been?" He started up a light conversation, something that somehow left you wanting to never let it end. You stood for a moment before speaking again. Total shock was ripping through you, and you hardly knew how to react.

"Good," you spoke. You leaned in, wrapping your arms around him in a gentle hug, "what about you? My god, it's been so long.." You could barely get the words out without letting the nostalgia wash over you. He hugged back without a trace of hesitation.

"I've been good." His smile remained sincere and warm, as it had always been. Part of you felt an odd sense of relief when he'd called your name. Maybe it was because deep down, you had had faith for so long that you guys would one day run into each other, or maybe it was because this could be some sort of fate where your lives would fall into each other's again. Whatever it was, it made you nearly topple over with overwhelming emotions.

"We should catch up." You blurted, an undeniable desire to get to know someone who you once shared everything with. Years had gone by since the last that you'd seen him, and it wasn't unusual for you to want more than just a coincidence at a gas station. This had to be some sort of destiny, a sign.

"Definitely. Are you free for lunch tomorrow?" He asked casually. Hope resurfaced in you, and at this point you could hardly keep your excitement at bay. You nodded, smiling so hard your cheeks started to hurt.

"I'd love that."

Jeremy: It had been almost 10 years since you'd last seen Jeremy Gilbert, and you certainly weren't expecting to bump into one another at the grocery store. Neither of you were in Mystic falls anymore, so this encounter was a huge jaw dropping moment for you. Out of all the grocery stores, you and him happened to be in the same one at the same time.

"Gilbert?" You were sure your eyes were deceiving you. It couldn't possibly be him, and you couldn't possibly be here at the exact same time as each other. He turned away from the cereal, a look of absolute surprise on his face.

He looked a little different, older, but you still could recognize that face anywhere. The two of you looked over each other a few times, trying your best to adjust to what was happening. His grin appeared.

"Y/N." He spoke a little awkwardly, but you ignored the tone. You took a step closer, only for him to lose his smile. In that moment, something clicked. It was like a flashback to when the two of you were in love. A million feelings surfaced, and the two of you stood in the middle of the aisle with blank expressions. Embracing all of these old feelings was saddening, and made you feel some sort of regret. He felt it too.

"Babe, have you picked out a cereal yet?" A woman's voice rang down the aisle. It was sweet, but unfamiliar. You could feel your heart sink a little bit. Suddenly, a woman walked towards the two of you. She was followed by two small children, both looked nearly exactly like Jeremy. You couldn't quite understand it, but you felt tears glossing your eyes. It was a feeling that you'd never experienced before.

"Dad!" The little girl's voice called as she clung to Jeremy's leg. She looked like the eldest of the two, which made you wonder when this had all happened. The woman reached the both of you, and gave Jeremy a smile.

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