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→The morning after you first night together

Stefan: It was nearly noon by the time either of you woke up. The two of you were peacefully laying in each other's arms. Things felt perfect. Your eyes eventually fluttered open, his warmth making you feel cozy. You rested your head on his chest and remained silent for a few moments, embracing the quiet morning as it was.

"Good morning." You heard him mumble as he stirred. You looked up to meet his tired eyes, and sleepy smile. Without hesitation, you leaned up and kissed him softly. Everything was still in that moment.

Jeremy: You woke up with your body completely wrapped around Jeremy's. Assumably because of the temperature in his room. The moment you fully woke up was when you wrapped all the blankets you could around your body. Things became warmer and you even began falling back asleep, until the blankets were yanked back onto Jer.

"Come here." He insisted with open arms. You grinned and curled up against him as his arms closed around you in a hug. It didn't take long to fall back asleep after that. His arms around you gave you warmth and comfort.

Tyler: Unlike how you wanted this morning to go, you were woken up with a sense of panic. What time was it? You had no choice except to rush around and attempt to gather all of your clothes and any other belongings you had here. Speaking of, where was your phone? You continued to stammer around Tyler's bedroom. Eventually you found it and checked the time. Just as you had suspected you were late, and had no idea how you were gonna explain.

"What's the rush?" Tyler groaned, squinting as his gaze fell upon your rather frantic self. You sighed and did your best to explain, promising that you'd stay longer next time. For now though you were brought with the challenge of thinking up some kind of excuse to give when you would later be questioned about your whereabouts.

Damon: When you woke up he wasn't there. You were wrapped in his bed sheets, in what was probably the most comfortable bed you'd ever slept in. You were as little disappointed at first, but your feelings were quickly changed when he walked out of his bathroom. Towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still damp.

"Wow." You grinned as you sat up in his bed. He grinned back as he flaunted himself off. It was a surprise that you were thankful for.

Elena: The morning for you began with a small smile. The way that Elena had stirred in her sleep left her hair resting over you lightly, tickling you every time she moved even slightly. You let out a small giggle, quickly covering your mouth in an attempt to keep yourself quiet. You couldn't help it though, but you didn't wanna wake her up.

"What are you doing?" She turned over to face you with a wide smile on her face. You let out another laugh as you embraced her in your arms.

Caroline: You were the first to wake up. You took time doing so, and wanted to relax. Once you'd finally opened your eyes, you were welcomed with a view of Caroline; her head on your chest, and her arm loosely tossed over your torso. She looked so beautiful. Her blonde locks fell messily along her bare back, and the sun coming in from the window was hitting her in just the right way. You were in awe.

"Morning, baby." You whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. You could feel her smile, only causing you to smile as well.

Bonnie: You'd been up for about an hour now, making the sleeping girl who was laying in your bed something to eat for when she woke up. You assumed you had at least another half an hour before she got up, but she woke up sooner than expected. You weren't complaining though. She looked absolutely gorgeous, with her messy hair and tired smile.

"Good morning." She mumbled as her arms wrapped around you from behind in a gentle and warm hug, leaving a small kiss on the back of your shoulder. You couldn't help turning around and giving her a proper kiss with a smile.

Kai: You woke up in a confused state. As you sat up and began rubbing your eyes in an attempt to wake up, you also looked around at your surroundings. Suddenly things became clear. You shut your eyes and ran your hands through your hair. Frustration was building slowly. With a bit of hesitation, you turned and looked down to reveal the sleeping boy next to you.

"I cannot believe I just did that." You whispered to yourself. It wasn't supposed to happen, and you knew you'd have hell to pay for it, but you couldn't help wanting more. He was bad for you, but that hardly held you back.

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