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→When you two fall in love/confess/accept how you feel for the other

Stefan: This was one of the most amazing days of your seemingly ordinary life. Sure, some wouldn't see what happened as spectacular or life-changing, but for you, is solidified what you questioned for a long time. You'd known Stefan for a while now, and you two were so close it was as if you were the same person. Always with each other, always talking, always looking out for each other.

Today, though, was the first time Stefan truly opened up to you. You knew about his vampirism, and never interrogated much to find out more. He seemed touchy about the subject, and for good reason.

"I used to be a terrible person." He admitted to you, knowing well enough that you'd wanted to know more about him and his life as a vampire, but never asked in fear that he'd hate you for it. You stayed silent, and waited for him to continue. Your eyes filled with sorrow for him, your hands unknowingly grabbed his. He told you about all the people he'd killed when he was the ripper version of himself, a side to him that he hated and was ashamed of.

"I love you." You muttered out at the end, assuring him that his past did not define him, and that the person he was now, was the only thing that mattered. He finally opened up to you, and that made your bond, and love, grow stronger for him.

Jeremy: You'd spent countless nights at the Gilbert's home. Whether it be with Elena, or Jeremy, you were usually always with one of the two. Tonight, however, you'd be spending it with Jer, one of the closest people to you. Hours were spent talking, and laughing, sharing things you thought you'd never share with another person.

"Have you ever though about us?" He asked abruptly, catching you off guard. You hesitated to answer, unsure of what he was hoping for you to say. Truth be told, you had thought about the two of you, but never said anything because you couldn't shake the feeling that it would ruin something you already had with him.

"All the time." You sighed, feeling yourself slowly regret the answer you'd given him. You took a deep breath, waiting for him to break the silence and respond. Anything would be nice, just to get rid of the now awkward feeling.

He turned to look at you, and just stared. With admiration and love, and complete vulnerability. His cheeks were slightly red, you couldn't tell whether it was because of this conversation, or the previous laughing fit you two had been in. Either way, it was making you smile. "Me too." He spoke, quieter, a near whisper almost. Silence fell once again, but this was the good kind. You two looked at one another, both of you realizing that this friendship had turned into so much more than you would've ever expected. You'd fallen so in love with him that night in the most unexpected way.

Matt: "I really wish you wouldn't hang out with Damon so much, even Stefan." He muttered to you, the beginning of a fight bubbling it's way into your once completely normal conversation. You were visiting him while he was working at the grill and you'd just finished explaining to Matt how much fun you had yesterday with the Salvatore brothers. They had invited you, and even Matt, to a party at their house. He didn't go though, but you still did.

"And why is that?" You asked, a little upset that he'd said that in the first place. You loved Damon and Stefan, and knew that they'd never hurt you, though Matt saw things differently. He felt nauseous at the thought of you with them, the chance of them killing you, it was all heartbreaking to him.

"You know why." Was all he said, a stern look on his face. You could feel the anger fizzing inside of you, but you tried to keep calm. Whether he was jealous, or worried, or untrusting, you didn't care. You were aloud to see the boys if you wanted to, and you hated that he felt differently. He could see that you were upset, and sighed. Thankfully he wasn't in the mood to fight, so he ended it with some unexpected words.

As he began to walk into the back room, he turned to say one last thing. "I only worry because I love you." He spoke, a small smile on his face. You felt your heart skip a beat, wondering if he'd actually said that or if you were imagining it. Suddenly, you felt yourself wanting to repeat the words back to him, and so you did. After that, you left without another word, butterflies dancing around inside of you as you walked home.

Tyler: Your friendship with Tyler was always rocky. You weren't best friends, but you weren't complete enemies either. You cared for him, but it was a nonstop fight between the two of you. This fight specifically, one of the bigger ones.

"For once, Tyler, can you not be an absolute dick?" You laughed angrily, gritting your teeth as you spoke. You pushed him, overwhelmed with the desire to punch him. He was acting like a total ass, for no reason at all. At least that's how you saw things, to him it was you being the ass, which of course only made the fight worse. Neither of you wanted to apologize, so you kept going.

He stepped forward, your push sending him over the edge. You weren't scared when he stood tall, and yelled. You knew that even if he did get in your face, he'd never lay a hand on you. The screaming continued between the two of you, at this point only yelling because neither of you would swallow your pride and apologize to the other. Each step he took forward, was one step you took back. You eventually found yourself backed against the wall. Things were getting a little scary, but you pushed that thought aside and stood your ground. Things suddenly grew silent, his hot breath just inches away from your lips, you'd never even realized that he'd gotten so close. His eyes flickered to your lips, then back up to your eyes.

You inched closer, your eyes nearly shut, anticipation eating away at you. Things were cut off by your cell phone ringing, the once intense and hot moment turned awkward as you answered the phone, Caroline's voice filled your ear. You looked at Tyler, somewhat ignoring whatever Care was talking about. He just gave you a smirk. For some reason, you felt a little different towards him. Accepting that maybe you didn't get along as friends because deep down, you both wanted something more.

Damon: You sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. Sitting in your car, hands covering your face. This night went from incredibly fun, to absolutely terrible within just a few minutes. You were out with the entire Mystic Falls group, having a blast. Unfortunately, you'd received a call, informing you that someone who was very close to you had died. Animal attack. You didn't buy it, but it hurt nevertheless.

"Next round is on you, Y/N!" The older Salvatore laughed as he walked out of the bar, only to stop once he saw you in your car, a total mess. He opened the passenger door, and slid in, sitting next to you in silence for a moment. You continued to cry, caring less if were there or not. You finally stopped, trying to catch your breath, and rub the tears away.

"Go away, Damon." You pleaded, not daring to make eye contact with him. You didn't enjoy having him see you cry, but you were so devastated that you didn't care, and besides, you were close enough with him that it didn't matter. You ran your hands through your hair, trying to fix yourself up, pulling the overhead compartment down so you could see yourself in the mirror. Still, you continued to avoid looking at Damon, unsure why he was even still there.

You finally looked at him, as miserable as ever, saying nothing. He looked at you, with his icy blue eyes, and wiped away your tears with his thumbs. Still, saying nothing. You knew he wasn't the best at showing sympathy or letting his guard down, but he did care for you, which is something you also knew well. Instead, he chose not to say anything at all, but rather comfort you quietly. Tossing his arm around your shoulder, waiting for you to feel better. You adored him for these moments, and slowly realized that you adored him for so much more than that. So, you tested your luck, and told him that you loved him.

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