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→You guys are brought far away from each other for a while.

Stefan: "I miss you so much." You muttered into the phone, the lack of his voice making you ache. You wanted him home, and in your arms in the next few moments; both of you knew that that wouldn't be possible.

"I miss you too, babygirl. I'm coming home soon, I promise." He reassured you. You felt yourself relax, unaware that your shoulders had even been tensed up. He put you in a state of content and relaxation. He was your safe haven, but of course that only made you miss him more.

You took the phone away from your ear momentarily, checking the time as you yawned. 2:35AM. It was no surprise that you'd sent hours on the phone yet again, chatting away yet remaining silent all at once. You just needed his presence, even if that was just over the phone.

"I should go to sleep." You sighed, hesitant to hang up. You felt restless without him by your side. You listened, feeling the tears pool in your eyes, needing the sound of his voice unlike ever before.

"I'll be back in less than a week, you can do this. I know it's hard," he paused momentarily, searching for the courage to hang up the phone, "I know I've been gonna for a while. I miss you though, like crazy, and I'm gonna be back before you know it."

"I know Stefan, I miss you too. God, I can't wait for you to come home." Your voice faded into a mere whisper. The words almost coming out as a plea for him, for his smile, for him to really he there with you. A phone call would never be enough.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Your heart sank as he spoke. You knew it'd be a night of tossing and turning. He was bringing the conversation to an end, which only left you, by yourself, to think; to feel yourself break a little more. It'd been nearly 2 months. 2 months of heartache and desperation.

You hummed into the phone, the only response that could keep you from breaking into a sob. You leaned back on your pillow, desperate to keep some sort of communication between the two of you even for a few more minutes.

"And Y/N?" You stayed quiet, hoping that he'd continue without hesitation. "I love you." You swallowed the lump that had been building up in your throat since this long distance adventure began.

"I love you too." You whispered. You hung up immediately after, knowing well enough that if you didn't you would have stayed on the phone all night. Things would be better. You just had to keep waiting. He'd come home, and you'd be happy again.

Jeremy: "You know I love you. Don't ever think otherwise." He stated with a certain pain that you could almost feel.

"Then why do you have to leave?" You repeated. A question you'd been asking for the past week, endlessly searching for another answer; an answer less painful.

"Because if I don't, then you might get hurt. I can't risk that. Baby, you know this." You were fully aware of the consequences that you and him would have to face if he stayed, but part of you didn't care. Since he'd become a hunter, he couldn't control his desire to kill every vampire in his sight. It wasn't his fault, and you knew that. You also knew that he was right, even if admitting it was the last thing that you wanted to do. After all, most of your friends were vampires.

"That doesn't make it any easier." You mumbled, a sudden sadness sinking in. It really was time to say goodbye. Neither of you knew how long it would be before you saw each other again, and that might have been the most discouraging thing about the entire situation.

His hand cupped your cheek gently, his thumb running over your bottom lip. You locked your eyes onto his, momentarily forgetting about what you two had to do. He leaned in, and kissed you like it was the first time. It was tender, and sweet. There was passion and drive with everything he did, and this was no exception.

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