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→Something they do that bothers you.

Stefan: It bothers you that he always has to be in control. You're grateful when he is sometimes, but it gets annoying. You think sometimes he takes Damon's remark 'hero hair' a little too seriously sometimes, and find it exhausting when he tries to be the hero always. He's the man with a plan, and though it can be helpful, it irritates you sometimes.

Jeremy: You cannot stand when he acts like he doesn't care. He likes to pretend he's tough, and that things don't ever get to him, and you hate it. It makes him seem cold and unapproachable. You don't want him to have to hide how he's feeling in order to seem strong.

Tyler: He has a tendency to pick fights, and it drives you nuts. You can't comprehend why he does it, but that doesn't stop him. Usually he gets cocky if he comes out of with less bruises than the other guy, which only makes it worse.

Damon: He tends to give up a lot. If it truly means a lot to him, he will fight for it, but too many inconveniences and he'll tap out. You wish he would continue to fight for as long as it takes because you know he's capable of doing that. He's a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for, and you wish he could recognize that.

Elena: You don't like the way she sometimes makes rash decisions. It's a bit careless in your opinion. You know that she always means well, but sometimes she leads with heart, and not her head. You wish that she'd think a little more carefully before doing things that could potentially have a negative impact on herself or others.

Caroline: You don't like how easily she gets frustrated. You know she can't help it, but it annoys you nonetheless. She tries her hardest to keep things under control, but in doing that she tends to bottle things up, and that quickly deteriorates into a frustrated explosion from her.

Bonnie: It drives you crazy when Bonnie does anything that puts herself in a risky/dangerous situation. You know she loves her friends and would do anything to protect them, but it bothers you that she'd go so far to risk her live to do so. You just want her to be happy, and for once, you'd like for her to not have to give up her happiness for someone else.

Kai: He always gets his way, one way or another. When he wants something, he doesn't give it up without a fight first. You hate that he gets what he wants 99% of the time, especially when he uses his magic to do so. You claim it isn't fair, but he's never been one to play fair.

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Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a bit. School just started so I've been a bit busy/stressed. Anyways, I'm back!

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