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→He worries about you.

Stefan: "You're sure that you'll be okay?" He asked for probably the hundredth time, each time growing more and more uneasy. He had to leave for less than a week, but no matter what you told him, something kept him on edge up until the time came for him to leave.

"I'm absolutely positive. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." You grinned at him, trying your best to put him at ease. He gave an anxious smile in return, but said nothing. "I love you. I'll be here when you get back, and Stef?" You cupped his cheek with your palm, looking at him sincerely. He nodded lightly, waiting for you to continue. "Stop worrying." With those words, he let out a breath that he seemed to have been holding.

"I love you too. If anything goes wrong, or if you need anything just call me, ok? Seriously." He pleaded. With a smile and a nod you kissed him one last time before sending him off.

Jeremy: "Please, talk to me." Another desperate attempt to get you to talk slipped out of his mouth. Someone had broken your heart, and it wasn't that you were trying to hurt Jeremy, you just didn't want to feel vulnerable again. Not to anyone. You knew Jeremy was only trying to help.

"Y/N, come on. I'll do whatever it takes. Just say something, I'm worried about you." He muttered helplessly. Your face remained tearstained and emotionless. He released a sigh, sitting next to you on your bed. Silently, he tossed his arm around you. You leaned your head on his shoulder. Part of you felt bad for ignoring him, so you gave him a sign that you appreciated everything that he was doing.

"You don't have to talk. I understand, but Y/N, I'm here for you when you're ready." For a while after that, the two of you sat quietly against one another. You just weren't ready, and he was finally beginning to understand that.

Tyler: "I'm worried about you." He spoke abruptly, catching you completely off guard. At first you were confused; you saw no reason for him to be worried. Then you realized exactly what he was referring to. Lately you'd been so intrigued in the supernatural world, and with that you couldn't help but put yourself in semi-dangerous situations.

"Well, you have no reason to be worried. Nothing bad is going to happen." You groaned, having no doubt that this would lead to an over the top fight. His eyes rolled and his head shook. This was just the beginning. "What? You know I'll be careful." You insisted. It was obvious that he wouldn't stand down. When he wanted something, he usually got it. Then again, you were stubborn yourself.

"Just because you're careful, doesn't mean nothing bad is gonna happen. Seriously Y/N, you think you can control what's going to happen, but you and I both know that you can't." He got his last say in the matter, then remained silent. For a moment you had no idea how to react; you felt like he was overreacting, but stayed quiet as well.

Matt: The fight was disastrous and absolutely unexpected. Borderline explosive. You two rarely ever fought, let alone this badly. Things were said that you and him both instantly regretted saying as soon as they left your mouths.

It'd been less than hour since you left his place to calm down. You needed space; fresh air to take a breath. You could feel your phone ringing, but you chose to ignore it. Of course it was Matt, but you weren't about to start a screaming match over the phone. Minutes later, you got another call. Exactly as you had done before, you ignored it. However, this time, there was a voice message.

"Y/N, baby, I'm sorry. I really am. This is all so stupid and believe me when I say that I didn't mean what I said. You know I love you, please know that I love you. I'm worried. Come home, please." His voice sounded desperate, and drained of his normal relaxed tone. You knew you had to go back and fix what the both of you had started. You loved him too, and couldn't leave things like this.

Damon: The first sound either of you had made in a while was a sigh that came from you. Your pencil scribbled against your notebook as you attempted your homework that you'd been assigned. You were in your last year of highschool, and it was anything but easy.

"I'm worried," Damon started. Temptation took over, so you closed your book and nodded for him to continue, "I just want you to be able to do the things that you've always dreamed, and to never have to settle." You were slightly confused, but grateful that he cared enough to worry about you. He knew your financial situation, and with that he was worried that you wouldn't get to live your life the way that you wanted to. Did you really want to spend it with him? Here, in Mystic Falls?

"It'll all turn out okay in the end, Damon," you gave his hand a gentle squeeze, "I promise you that. I'll figure out a way to do the things I want, no, for us to do the things that we want." You corrected yourself. He smiled at you, a warm and sincere smile.

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