Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


“Jason! We’re leaving in five minutes!” Jason’s mom, Mallory, yelled across their house in Los Angeles. 

“Okay, okay! The Kentucky game is over in three minutes.” Jason yelled back.

“Oh boys,” Mallory whispered under her breath. She turned into the kitchen and said to her other son who was looking in the pantry, “Colin, are you ready?” 

“Uhh,” Colin froze as he tucked a pack of Oreo’s under his shirt, “Almost. I’ll change after the game is over.”

“No. You need to change now. We are leaving in five minus minutes. I don’t want to be waiting on you and your brother.”

“You won’t, you won’t! We’ll be ready! Love you.” Colin quickly exited the kitchen and went upstairs into Jason’s room.

“Hey!” Jason sat up in his chair, “What’d you get?”

“Only a pack of Oreo’s. Mom came in the kitchen and started lecturing me on how she isn’t going to wait on us and we’re leaving in five minus minutes. Whatever!” Colin handed the Oreo’s to Jason and Jason opened them.

“Aren’t we eating at his house, anyways?” The Hunt family was going to Eddy Stevens’ house for lunch. Eddy Stevens was one of the country’s biggest producers and he wanted to meet with Jason personally.

“Yeah but who says we can’t have a little snack before we go. And besides, you don’t want to stuff your face in front of a producer. That just wouldn’t look good. You know what I mean?”

Colin nodded.

Jason put his index finger on his temple and then pointed at Colin. “I’ve learned a lot but I know absolutely nothing compared to what I’m going to know someday.” Jason quoted one of his all-time favorite quotes.

“Yeah and you learn a lot of stuff when your brother is a famous actor. Do you want to know what I’ve learned with you being famous and all?”

“I’d love to.” Jason said with slight sarcasm. 

“The good thing about you being famous is that a whole lot of girls love you.” Colin smiled.

“True, true.” Jason knew it was true but he just hadn’t found the one yet. He was only 19 and wasn’t in any rush to fall in love but he still wanted that person who he could tell everything to and trust with his whole entire heart.

“The bad thing is that because that everyone is so in love with you, you can’t go somewhere out in public without a whole SWAT team. And when you don’t, you get torn apart alive.”

Jason laughed at his little brother. Colin balanced him. Whenever he felt like this life, his famous, movie star life, was too much, he went to Colin for advice. Colin was his best friend and Jason really did love him. Colin was his best friend, his counselor, his safe place.

“But who knows,” Colin said casually as he plucked an Oreo out of the pack, “Maybe one of those girls who tear you apart is really the love of your life.”

Colin had a point. Jason thought for moment before saying, “Maybe you’re right.”

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