Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


“Please, Mom. I’ll only be gone for a little while.”

“Is a little while a couple of hours, a couple of days, a couple of weeks? Jason, how can I say yes when I don’t know all the details?”

Well I don’t know all the details either, “Please, Mom. I’ll have Colin and I’ll even take Joe if you want me to.” Joe was Jason’s main bodyguard.

“You’re taking Joe.”

“If I take Joe,” Jason thought this out, “If I take Joe then that means I have to go to take Joe.”

“I barely understood anything you just said but I guess so.”

“Thanks, Mom! Thank you so, so, so much!” Jason gave Mallory a tight hug before yelling, “Colin! She said we could go!”

“Awesome! We need to be at the airport in 45 minutes!”

“You’ve already booked your flight?” Mallory asked in disbelief.

“Love you, Mom.” Jason gave her a kiss on the cheek before bolting up the stairs.

He flung open his suitcase and threw his favorite clothes in. What if Katie didn’t like his taste in clothes? What if when they met she was all dressed up and he was wearing casual clothes? What if he was all dressed up and she was wearing casual clothes?

As Colin walked by he said, “Stop living in the Jungle of If’s,”

Colin was right. Jason packed for about a week. If he needed more clothes he could buy some.

He took his suitcase downstairs and packed a carry on. He packed a book, his laptop, and his phone.

He took his stuff out to the car and honked the horn.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Colin yelled as he rushed out the front door.

Colin threw his bag in the trunk of Jason’s Toyota Camry and hopped in the front seat. Joe was in the back seat as silent as he always is.

“Now Joe,” Jason said looking at Joe through the rearview mirror, “Will you try to be quiet on this trip. Don’t talk so much! You’re really getting on my nerves.” Jason smiled as Joe sat, neutral.

Colin jumped in the front seat. Jason took a deep breath. He put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

An hour and a half later they were done with security and were boarding first class.

“Hey Colin,” Jason said as he leaned his head back on the head rest and closed his eyes, “Are we really doing this?”

Colin laughed lightly, “Yeah. All for you.”


“Why what?”

“Why are you helping me with this?”

“Because you’re my brother and I love you.”


“Because if this is going to make you happy I want to help you do it.”


“I don’t know!” Colin laughed, “Because you are absolutely insane and I want to watch you do something so I can say ‘I told you so’!”

“That’s better.” Jason smiled, his eyes still closed.



“Are you really in love with her? You don’t even know her?”

Jason thought for a moment before saying, “Yeah Colin. I am.”

“But you don’t even know her.”

Jason opened his eyes and looked at Colin, “There are just some things that you just know. And I’ve never felt surer in my life.”


Jason smiled, “Really.”

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