Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


“I have to pee.” Bethany shouted from the backseat.

Katie rolled her eyes and grumbled, “We went to the bathroom an hour ago.”

“I know but I still have to pee.”

“Maybe, if you hadn’t bought an extra large soda at the last gas station you might not have to pee.”

“Will you guys please stop arguing! Courtney, when’s the next exit?” Alison said trying to keep everybody calm.

“About 15 minutes.”

“Can you wait that long Bethany?” Alison asked.

“Sure.” She said through gritted teeth as she glared at Katie.

They had been on the road for about eight hours and everyone was starting to get a little cranky. They had had a heart to heart but it was to the point in the day that every little thing got on everyone’s nerves. They had stopped three times. Once for a bathroom and snack break, another for a midnight dinner, and another bathroom and snack break.

After about five minutes of silence Bethany shouted in a shrill voice, “I’ve. Got.To.Pee!”

“We know!” Courtney, Katie, and Alison shouted back.

“You know what y’all,” Courtney said as she looked at the upcoming exit, “Let’s just call it a night. There was a sign for a Days Inn about a mile back.”

“Sounds good.” Katie replied then added, “And yes Bethany, Days Inn has bathrooms.”

“Thank God.”

“Bathroom! Bathroom! Bathroom! Bathroom!” Bethany shouted when they got in the room. She shouted until she got all the way in the bathroom and the door was shut. “Hallelujah! Heaven!” Bethany shouted from inside the bathroom.

“She is going to drive the living Cheetos out of me.” Katie said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“The livin’ what?” Courtney laughed.

“The living Cheetos. I don’t know. I came up with it when I was little. I always heard my mom say the living Christ and I just started saying Cheetos one day.”

“I like it.” Courtney smiled and handed Alison and Katie a water bottle.

“Thanks, Courtney.” Alison and Katie said at the same time.

“No problem. You might want to call your parents and let them know where you are.”

“Will do.” Alison grabbed the phone and dialed her parent’s number.

“Thanks again for letting us tag along.” Katie said before taking a sip of her water bottle.

“No problem. You’ve got some great friends.”

“Thanks.” Katie screwed the cap back on the water bottle. “They’re a little crazy sometimes but I love them.”

“I can see why.” Courtney smiled before she added, “Why you love them. Not why they’re a little crazy. Well I can see that too.”

They both laughed before Courtney said, “I’m going to go get my laptop. Be back in a jiff.”


Katie sat on the bed and listened to Alison talk to her parents. “Yes, Mom… No I’m fine. Really… Yes… Not yet… Yes… Okay… I love you too… Bye.”

She hung up the phone then sat on the bed next to Katie.

Katie rested her head on her shoulder and whispered, “Do you think I’m crazy?”

“No.” Alison whispered back. “I think you’re insane.”

They both laughed lightly before Katie whispered, “Do you think this is worth it? What if he doesn’t know who I am? What if I never find him? What if we get sued or something?

Alison laughed lightly again, “First of all, stop thinking negatively.It’s not you. Second of all, what would you get sued for? Being a fan?” Katie smiled, “And third of all, I think it’s good that you’re going after something you really want. You think of a lot of people before you think of yourself and I think it’s good that you’re doing something for you.”

“But I’ve dragged you and Bethany into this.”

Alison looked at Katie, “Do you know how many stories we’re going to get out of this trip?”

They both laughed, “We’re going to tease Bethany for the rest of her life about her walnut sized bladder and we’re going to tease you for dragging your butt and our butts out to California to find the Jason Hunt.”

They laughed again as Bethany walked out of the bathroom. “Okay you guys, we are going to have a slumber party!” She beamed.

“Sorry Beth, but I’m too tired to do anything but sleep.” Katie said.

“You’re a butt you know that right?”

“Yes,” Katie walked over to her suitcase and got out her pajamas, “I know that. You’ve reminded me for the past two years.”

Katie met Alison in sixth grade but became really close to her in seventh. Katie didn’t know Bethany until seventh grade when they had lunch together.

Courtney came back into the room and they all changed into their pajamas. Katie and Courtney slept in one bed and Bethany and Alison slept in the other bed.

Katie’s prayer that night was, “Dear Lord, you probably think I’m crazy too but I know that you are sending me out to California for some great reason. I may think that that reason is to find Jason but you may have much greater things in mind for me. Lord, I hope to continue to be the woman you want me to be and I just want to let you know that my life in your hands has never been better. Thank you for everything you bless me with and give me, Amen.”

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