Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


Jason woke up to Katie's head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest, and his arm around her torso. He didn't dream last night which was odd because he dreamt almost every night. He thought for a moment then understood. With Katie with him, all his dreams had come true so there was no point to dreaming when his dream was in bed next to him.

He studied Katie's face taking in every detail of her. Her makeup had worn off during the night but she was beautiful without makeup. She had soft, pink lips, and when her eyes were open she had blue eyes with a hint of green trying to spread. Jason didn't want to touch her, afraid that he would wake her up, but he couldn't resist.

He reached out and gently brushed her face from her temple down below her jaw. He moved a medium brown strand of hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ears. He stroked her hair for a few minutes before he couldn't stand it any longer. He kissed her forehead, and then slowly moved to the tip of her nose, and then he gently pressed his lips to hers. He moved from her lips to the middle of her cheek bone to the beginning of her ear, and as his lips hovered over her ear he whispered three words. Three words that would officially put her in his life and him in hers. Even though he had only officially known her for less than a day he was sure he loved her. He was sure of it.

"I love you."

There was complete silence. Jason wasn't expecting to get an answer and he didn't. But what he did get was a slowly growing smile across Katie's face. She just smiled for a minute before her hand found his under the covers and she whispered, "I love you too."

Jason smiled. He didn't know what to say next so he kissed her. He kissed her gently at first then more passionately and she kissed back.

They took a quick break for air before Jason gave her one last, slow, long kiss.

Katie kissed his cheek and whispered, "Are a million butterflies thrashing around in your stomach?"

Jason looked at Katie. That was exactly what he had been thinking. It was like they were connected. "How did you know that?"

Katie kept her eyes closed, "Know what?"

"Know about the butterflies in my stomach."

"I didn't. That's what I was feeling."

"Me too."

"Really?" She opened her eyes slowly.


She smiled her beautiful smile and said, "It's a sign."

They both laughed and practically jumped out of the bed when they heard Colin yell, "You guys are so cheesy!"

"Well come on in Colin!" Katie yelled back.

Colin walked into the room in a blue Kentucky t-shirt and sweat pants.

He flopped onto the bed and said, "What's going on?"

"You tell us. You've heard everything." Katie replied.

Colin looked at her. They got along so well. If Jason and Katie weren't together, he could see Colin and her together. "I walked by just long enough to hear about the butterfli-" Colin stopped mid-sentence and observed the scene. Katie was still on Jason's shoulder and in his arms, her hand on his chest, in the same bed.

"You guys didn't..." He trailed off looking from Jason to Katie and back.

"No." Katie and Jason said firmly at the same time.

"I'm talking about..."

"No." They said again.

"But the bed and you two and-"

"No!" They both shouted.

"Okay, okay!" Colin got off the bed and focused his attention on Katie.

"It's almost lunch time and most of the people in this house are hungry and we would like to know where you want to go for lunch."

Both Katie and Jason instinctively turned towards the clock. It was 11:03.

"Wow! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to sleep in so late!" Katie was sincerely sorry.

Colin looked at Jason and smiled in astonishment as he pointed at her, "She's so cute."

Jason looked at Katie and smiled, "I know."

Katie blushed and Colin carried on, "Anyways, where would you like to go to lunch?"

"In 'n' Out Burger." Katie answered right away. She looked at Jason, "Is that okay?"

"That's great." He smiled at her and she returned the smile.

"So, umm, I'll go tell them. So, umm, bye."

Colin left the room. Katie gave Jason a long, slow kiss.

"I've got to go get ready." She whispered and she started getting out of the bed. Jason held onto her hand so she wouldn't leave.

"I'm going to miss you." Jason said to her, giving her a smile.

"Oh whatever." Katie tugged at her arm.

Jason pulled her arm and she fell back on the bed, her face right in front of his.

He closed his eyes but just before Katie's lips met his she jumped off the bed and out the door.

"Hey! That's cheating! That's not fair!" Jason yelled.

Katie popped her head back in the door and gave Jason a mischievous smile, "I didn't know there were rules."

Getting into the shower, Jason let the water rush over him. He thought about Katie and how wonderful she was. He thought about how she could go and visit him on movie sets. He thought about how he could brag about her to all his friends. He thought about how they could spend all their time together and he could drive her around and take her shoe shopping. But then he realized something. Katie didn't live in L.A. She lived across the country in North Carolina. She was 16 and in school. She had friends, family, and a life back home. She wasn't going to move out to California for a boyfriend. That brought up another question. Was there another guy back in North Carolina? Sure she had come and found him but that didn't mean she was prepared to date him. He'd ask her about it later.

As Jason finished taking his shower he thought about things they could do. He could pay for her plane tickets to visit him but that wouldn't be enough. He would go and visit her whenever he could but he had a job and a family too. He'd make it work though. He had to.

Jason threw on a casual outfit and was on his way downstairs the same time as Katie, Alison, and Bethany were. Jason let Alison and Bethany go in front of him but grabbed Katie's wrist and pulled her aside.

"Look, I know our distance may not be convenient but I'll find a way to make it work."

Katie smiled, understanding what he meant. "Okay."

Then they walked hand and hand down the stairs and out to the car where they drove to In 'n' Out Burger.

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