Request for Kyanna_2273

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Kyanna p.o.v
"Hey jack I'm going to friends house for the night"I yelled to my brother "ok be safe"he yelled back.I wasn't really going to a friends house but I need to leave for my WWE match.Yes I'm a WWE diva and i had always love fighting especially with my brother.I quickly got into my car and drove to where the match is.I went inside the venue and went to my dressing room and got into my fighting clothes.I went outside and met with the other Divas.I saw one of the male wrestlers and it was TJ Perkins I have like the biggest crush on him but I know he doesn't like me back.I was called that my match is going to be starting and im vs AJ Lee.Tonight was also the Divas Championship.We were both called and the owner of WWE introduced AJ and she did her intro and the crowd went wild.It was finally my turn and he finally introduce me and I did my intro and the crowd went wild.The bell finally ring and me and AJ started fighting.We were kicking,punching,and throwing each other on the ground I even threw her out of the rink onto the reporters table.

Jack Johnson p.o.v
I was sitting home at home with Gilinsky,Nate,and Sammy and we were watching spongebob until Gilinsky changed the channel to WWE and there was two girls fighting."Dam those girls are hot af"said Sammy,Nate,and Gilinsky."shut up all of you guys have girlfriends"I said annoyed.We watched it because it looked interesting but when I looked closely one of them looked really familiar.Thats when I realized it was Kyanna.But I didn't want to assume quickly so I called her friend and asked if she's there.Her friend said no."um guys I think Kyanna is a wrestler"I said to the guys.They looked at me confused "What do you mean Kyanna is a wrestler?"Sammy said "just look at the girls closely"I said they all looked at the tv closely and gasped "your right that's is Kyanna Johnson dam your sister can fight"Nate said.I just rolled my eyes at him "I can't believe she never told me or would lie to me"I said in disbelief me and her were really close we told each other everything.Gilinsky must of saw me upset because he said"hey don't worry bud I think she never told anyone because she was scared on how she would be judged or something".He was right I'm glad I have him as my best friend."so what are you going to do johnson?"Nate asked."Were going to the arena and wait for Kyanna to finish her fight"I said "but we need tickets"Gilinsky said "don't worry Ana is friends with the manger of WWE so I could call her up and tell her friend that we need to talk to somebody in this case Kyanna"Nate said.We all nodded In agreement and Nate quickly called up Ana.He said that Ana told her friend so all we have to do is drive to the back of the arena and wait for her friend.We all got into Gilinsky jeep and drove off the arena.We finally got to the arena and went to the back and waited for Ana friend.He finally came and told us who we were meeting and we said Kyanna Johnson and he said to wait out here for a little bit and he get us when her match finishes.Inodded in agreement and waited.

Kyanna p.o.v
I won the belt for the Divas Championship and I was so happy.I went backstage to go to my dressing room but I was stopped by TJ "oh hey TJ"I said "hey Kyanna you did amazing out there your the best Diva I have ever seen"he said blushing a little.I was also blushing a little "well thank you TJ you the best male wrestler i have ever seen"I said which made him and me blush."how about I take you- "hey that's my sister get away from her"someone yelled and that someone was my brother.TJ gave me a weird look and saw johnson and the guys in front of us."oh hey jack,Gilinsky,Sammy,Nate how was your guys night"I said laughing nervously they all gave me a glare and jack was mad."why did you lie to me about going to your friends house and going out with a guy you don't really know"he said angrily.TJ looked at me with another confused look and asked jack"um are you her brother" "Nah I'm her father"jack said "your defiantly acting like one"I muttered "of course I'm her brother and you will not take my sister on a date buddy"jack said angrily once more."come on Kyanna we're going home I listen to him so there would be know more trouble."Bye TJ see you late"I said to him "Bye Kyanna see you later"he said giving me my purse and stuff.Me and the guys went into Gilinsky jeep and it was silent the whole ride.When we got home I went to my room and was getting ready for bed when I heard I knock on my door.I opened it and it was jack "hey Kyanna can we talk"he asked I nodded my head and we both sat on my bed and talked"I'm sorry for not telling you about my wrestling thing"I said "it's ok Kyanna but please don't keep anymore secrets we tell each other everything"he said giving me a hug"I promise"I said."well goodnight sis see you tomorrow"he said closing my door.I went into my purse to look for my phone when a piece of paper fell out,I grabbed it and it was a note

You are a amazing and a beautiful girl I have ever seen I hope we can get know each other more.Call me 916-435-555

I smiled at the note and put it on my lamp stand.I crawled on to my bed and fell asleep smiling.

Well I hope you like it❤️
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