Request for KatlinMackay part 3

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Katlin p.o.v
I woke up feeling so sick that threw up in my trash can that was next to my bed.I heard my phone ringing,so I answered it and it was Trevor "hey baby girl" "hey babe"I said groaning "babe are you sick do you want me and the guys to come" "no Trevor it's ok I don't want you guys to get sick" "it's ok princess see you in ten minutes"he said hanging up before I can say anything else.I put my phone down and yelled my brothers name.He finally came and asked me what I want "can you get me some medicine I don't feel good"I said "sure little sis"he said leaving.About five minutes later my brother came in with medicine "Trevor and the guys are here do you want me to bring them up?"he asked,I nodded drinking the medicine.He nodded and went to go get the boys,my door opened and Trevor and the boys came in "hey princess are feeling ok"he said kissing my forehead and felling it if I was hot."yes babe I'm ok"I said before throwing up in my trash can "omg babe your not ok I need you get you done medicine and so-" but I cut him off "Trevor it's ok I'm fine I already had medicine"I said pointing at my cup that I drank "oh ok"he said "man Trevor you are so whipped"Liam said "oh shut up Liam your just mad because you don't have a girlfriend"Trevor said.I just giggled and rolled my eyes at them.They spend the whole day helping me until they had to leave "bye princess I will see you soon to take care of you,I love you "Trevor said giving me a kiss in the cheek "bye Trevor see later,I love you too"I said.They left and I took my lady medicine and fell asleep.

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