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As Eren looked at his phone, he saw something new on the To-Do List that Levi had written for him.

1. Get a check-up

Eren shrugged, figuring that Levi wanted to check on how the pregnancy was going. He guessed the last thing they needed was for the babies to be dead and them not even know it. As Eren stretched, he felt his stomach flip. He shot out of bed and into the bathroom, all of the contents of his stomach spewing out. He lurched forward, gripping the side of the toilet for security.

"Fuck..." he groaned, grabbing a wipe and cleaning around his mouth. "Being pregnant sucks..."

Eren soon finally got up, showering, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed, making his way to his personal doctor.

"Hello, Queen Eren. How are you this morning?" the doctor, Mina Carolina, asked.

Eren rolled his eyes.

"Awful. I fucking threw up everywhere this morning. It was terrible," Eren complained as Mina laid him down, pulling his shirt up and rubbing a gel over his stomach, pulling a machine over his stomach.

She smiled as the three babies appeared on the screen.

"I don't understand how you're eight months pregnant with triplets and still functioning," Mina said in amazement, writing down each baby's number of heartbeats per minute. "They should be born around next week or so. Would you like me to tell—"

"No! Don't! Don't tell anybody! I want it to be a secret. Don't tell anybody anything. Not even Levi," Eren said quickly. Mina only smiled in response, pushing the machine away and wiping the gel off Eren's stomach, helping him off the bed.

"Yes, Your Highness. I'll keep my lips sealed."

Eren smiled at her and hugged her, thanking her for everything.

"Now, a few things King Levi told me to tell you: the children will be part demon. Demon birth is an extremely painful process. I need you to prepare yourself mentally and physically. No unhealthy foods until after the babies are born. That means no sweets, no soda, no chips. I advise that you eat salad with no dressing for the remainder of your pregnancy. When your water breaks, you have to tell King Levi immediately. Giving birth to demon babies too late is very, very dangerous. We wouldn't want anything happening to you. The children will be strong and grow quickly."

Eren nodded, getting off the bed and hugging Mina.

"Thank you. So much," Eren said, turning to leave the doctor's office.

"Oh yeah! Queen Eren! I forgot to tell you: don't tell anybody outside of the people that already know about these babies. You have to keep them a secret until they're born," she said. Eren nodded and teleported out. 

It was early-- almost too early-- when Eren saw blood pooling in his cover from between his legs. He felt an almost unbearable shock wave of pain shoot up his back.

"Levi! Wake up! Fucking help me!" Eren screamed, slapping Levi to wake him up.

"The fuck did you slap me—" Levi cut himself off with a gasp as he saw all of the blood. Levi immediately snatched his phone from his nightstand and called the paramedics. The EMTs rushed over in almost no time, grabbing Eren out of bed and getting him into the ambulance.

"L-Levi!" Eren cried, reaching for his husband.

"I'll be with you at the hospital! Just go!" Levi yelled back, grabbing some clothes as Eren was rushed to the hospital.

"Fuck! Hurry up!" Eren yelled as the ambulance pulled up to the hospital. The paramedics nodded as Eren was rushed to a room where doctors, and Levi, were waiting to help Eren give birth.

Levi squeezed Eren as he was prompted to push. Eren's eyes flooded with tears of pain as the head of the first baby popped out. A few more laborious pushes and the first child was out. It was a girl with jet black hair, like Levi, and steel-grey eyes, also like Levi.

Levi was ready to let go of Eren's hand when the doctors told Eren to push again, confusing Levi.

"Twins?!" he asked frantically. Everyone ignored him, prompting Eren to push again. After a bit longer, another came out: a boy. He had bright blond hair and bright, blue eyes, which neither of his parents had. Levi just shook it off.

"Last one!" the head doctor called out.

Levi was ready to pass out. How was he going to deal with Eren and three children?! He sighed, still holding Eren's hand to support him. The last one came out, but about an hour later. She, like the boy, had blond hair and crystal blue eyes.

The babies were washed as Eren calmed down. Levi hugged Eren gently, kissing his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me we were having triplets?!" Levi asked. Eren smiled weakly.

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

The three children were handed to Eren and Levi. They squirmed around, trying to look at Eren and figure out who this beautiful being was.

"Hi!" Eren said to the babies. "I'm your mommy!" he cooed, kissing each of them on their chubby cheeks. They each giggled at the tickling feeling of Eren's lips on their faces, happy to know that his gorgeous creature was theirs.

Eren pointed to Levi.

"That's your daddy," he said. The babies' giggling ceased, and they stared at Levi blankly, making the raven-haired man frown.

"I don't think they like me," he told Eren flatly. Eren only laughed his light, bubbly laugh, making the babies smile again.

"What would you like to name them?" a nurse asked, walking over to Levi and Eren with a clipboard. Levi turned to Eren.

"I want to name the boy Erwin. You can name the girls," he said as the nurse wrote the name down.

"The one with black hair will be Mikasa, and the one with blond hair will be Annie."

Eren was able to go home the next day because of his quick ability to heal. The couple and their new children sat in the royal cuddling room, the children in their laps as they laid together.

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