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"Mikasa! Run!" Eren screamed to his sister.

The pair had been walking in the forest when a pack of wolves began to chase them. Eren managed to scramble up a tree, but his sister wasn't as quick as he was, so she was still being chased by the pack.

"Faster!" Eren called out. "Watch out for that--" he cut himself off as his sister tripped and fell over the tree stump that he was just about to warn her about.

"Fuck! Mikasa!" He screamed out as he watched his sister be torn apart by the rabid wolves.

When the wolves were satisfied with the destruction they had caused, they trotted off in search of another meal. Eren quickly jumped off of the tree branch, tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck! No! Mikasa!" He cried out, falling to his knees next to the dead body of his only sister.

"Please! Fuck, I'll do anything, just please get up!" He screamed into the emptiness.

Suddenly, he felt a dark aura surround him. He looked over his shoulder to see a pitch-black figure coming towards him.

"Anything, you say?" a deep voice asked, the figure slowly striding in his direction.

"Who are you?" Eren screamed, scared of what could come but curious about how he could benefit from the situation.

"I'm King of the Underworld, and I heard your cries. I'm here to make a trade with you for your sister's life," he answered, a glowing figure appearing next to him.

It looked just like Mikasa.

"I'll do anything!" Eren replied, still crying.

"Here's my deal: I'll bring your sister back to life if you give me yours. You won't die, but you'll become my queen for the rest of eternity. You will love me and be loved by me. You will give me sex, companionship, and children if I want them. Do you accept?" The king asked, wrapping his shadowy arms around the boy.

"I... I accept," Eren answered. There was a pause before a deep chuckle erupted all around him, and before he knew it, the world around him went dark.


"Oi brat!" The same voice from earlier called to him. Eren groaned and opened his eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the bright light that was around him. He sat up slowly, turning his head to survey his surroundings before looking at the man from which the voice came.


The man had midnight-black hair that was middle-parted and shaved at the back into a neat undercut. His bangs from the middle part almost cascaded over his pale face, which was baby smooth. He had a sharp jawline that appeared to be able to cut any stone. His lips were narrow, and they looked soft.

What caught Eren's eye the most was, well, his eyes. They were stunning. His eyes were piercingly grey, almost silver, and extremely cold-looking, but had a hint of longing, almost hurt hidden behind them. His face was contorted into a deep glare, but it didn't seem as tense as it could've been. The male stared at Eren as he was examined.

"What are you staring at?" The man asked, making Eren jump slightly.

"Sorry, I was just... looking," he said quietly, embarrassed that he'd been caught staring.

"Whatever, brat. Well, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Levi, and I'm your husband and king for all of eternity," he said, stretching out his hand to help the brunet up. Eren took the hand and was hoisted up without a single grunt or groan from the man.

"Aren't I heavy? I'm kind of... blessed in my lower area," Eren said, gesturing towards his hips, thighs, and butt. The king only chuckled, showing Eren his pearly white teeth that included two long, sharp fangs.

Queen (RiRen/RivaEre)Where stories live. Discover now