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There was no way that Levi and the council could know Eren's actual identity without some questioning. They decided that Pixis should ask the questions because the rest of them were nervous, almost afraid of Eren. They still held their grudge towards Eren, even if they didn't know whether or not he was actually the rogue boy.

Pixis took Eren into a small, empty room, sat him down, and began to ask him questions.

"So Eren, when is your birthday?"

Eren thought for a bit before shrugging his shoulders.

"Everybody told me it was March 30th, so I just went along with it."

"Do you have any parents?"

"I don't know. I don't remember having family except for Mikasa, who probably isn't even my blood sister."

"City you were born in?"

"Don't know."

"Life before you met Levi?"

"My sister and I just explored."

Pixis wrote everything down before asking Eren to stand up.

"I'm just going to examine you a bit. Don't be afraid. I won't touch you."

Eren stood in front of Pixis. The older man checked his eyes, inspecting the beautiful green color and the length of his eyelashes. He then looked at Eren's hair, checking for texture and color; he told Eren to smile, checking for the white, stunning teeth. Pixis then looked at Eren's ass, checking for weight, size, and firmness.

"Eren, can you sing a little something for me?"

Eren nodded and began to sing. Pixis' eyes widened as he was greeted with a soothing but sensual voice that sounded better than even Beyoncé. When Eren stopped singing, Pixis was star struck.

"Dear Christ," Pixis said, writing it down that Eren's voice was impeccable. "Dance a little for me."

Eren, of course, was a great dancer with terrific rhythm.

"Now, I need you to show me how you would seduce someone."

Eren thought for a bit before smiling cutely. He turned around and rolled his hips a bit before sitting in Pixis' lap. He arched his back a bit before moaning, running his hands through his own hair. He smiled and stood up.

"Was I good? That's all I could think of."

"You were great," Pixis said, unaffected by Eren's seduction but still surprised at his skills.

"Thank you, Eren. You can go back out now."

Eren smiled again before leaving the room.

Pixis returned to Levi, who was being comforted by Victoria and Hanji. When he saw Pixis, he frowned.


"It's him," Pixis sighed, laying a hand on Levi's shoulder.

"I honestly don't know what to tell you. I know how desperately you don't want to have to get rid of Eren, but there's nothing in my power that I can do besides keep him a secret. But, be wary of other gods. They'll do anything to get their hands on Eren. And look out for Kenny too. I have a feeling he isn't dead," Pixis advised, gathering the other members of the council.

"We are off. Goodbye, Levi. Call me if anything happens." The group of older men left the castle in the same manner they'd come, pretending that nothing had happened.

Victoria and Hanji went off to do important things, leaving Eren and Levi alone together. Eren shifted awkwardly.

Levi looked at him.

"So, why did you slap me?"

Eren looked at him blankly.

"Because you treated me awfully."

Levi was taken aback.

"Treated you awfully? I buy you anything you want! I love you! I about care for you! I do anything in my power to make you feel better! I spoil you rotten with attention and gifts and love! What more do you want from me?!"

Eren only scoffed.

"When? Don't you think I would remember all of that? And who do you think you're yelling at?"

Levi calmed down, sighing.

"Eren, I'm sorry for yelling, but I just love you so fucking much, and it hurts me that you would think I would hurt you and mistreat you."

This man is pitiful. I'm just going to cry and apologize. Eren thought to himself with a subtle roll of his eyes.

Suddenly, viridian eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry, Levi! I just had such a hard time with Kenny, and everything is so hard for me right now!"

Levi immediately embraced Eren, rubbing the brunet's back softly.

"It's okay, Eren. We'll get through this."

Eventually, Levi was able to calm Eren down, and the kingdom was able to return to normalcy.

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