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The next morning, Eren woke up in a severe state of pain. Levi had already known that Eren would wake up with a bajillion aches and pains, so he was already coming into the room with a tray full of breakfast.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Levi exclaimed cheerfully, kissing Eren's forehead as he was glared at.

"Fuck you," Eren said, weakly lifting his arm to give him the middle finger.

"I just really like you," Levi replied happily, seeming relieved. Eren internally fist-bumped the air, knowing he was right when he'd told Victoria that Levi was sexually frustrated.

"Why do you seem so chirpy all of a sudden?" Eren asked, wanting to confirm his theory.

"I get angry when I'm... frustrated," he said, setting the tray on Eren's lap. "But now I'm all better! At least, for the next day or two. Then we'll have to fuck again," he added, making Eren widen his eyes.

"These pains? Every two days? Oh hell no,"

Levi only laughed at Eren. "You won't have any more pains from sex. These pains are only a side effect of the transformation that I told you about," he said, sitting in the bed next to Eren. "Besides, after you eat, the pain will go away," he added, relieving Eren.

"But what was the change, though?" The smaller boy asked, still confused about what exactly was going to change.

"Well, like I said, you going to be a mix of a vampire and a fertile. Now, a fertile is basically a woman, but you won't be a woman. You have the figure of a woman, which you already do, and you'll be able to give birth, which is where it gets its name. You'll also have more feminine tendencies, but you already have a lot of those," Levi said, nudging Eren lightly on the shoulder. Eren only glared back as he ate, feeling the pain dissipate slowly.

"You're so pretty, Eren," Levi said randomly.

Eren only swung his hair. "I know I'm pretty."


"Did you just really spell out r-o-o-d?"

"I might've."

The two sat in silence for a moment before Levi remembered that he hadn't given Eren his Christmas present.

"Hold on! I'll be right back," Levi said as he left the bed, moving over to the door to pick up the bags he'd dropped when Eren seduced him the previous night.

As he brought the bags back over to Eren, he saw the smaller boy's eyes widen. "You got me more than one thing?" He asked, reaching out for the bags.

"Of course I did," Levi said, confused as to why he wouldn't get Eren more than one thing.

Eren opened the first bag, which was from the jewelry store that he went to with Reiner and Bert. He pulled out a large, beautiful diamond ring that looked expensive as shit.

"Oh my! This is beautiful, Levi! You really didn't have to!" He said, admiring the ring lovingly. Levi only chuckled at Eren's cuteness.

"Well, there's a lot more," he said as Eren opened the next bag. He gasped when he saw a large black box, a lot like the one that held his ruby crown.

"You better not have gotten me a crown!" Eren said as he opened the box.

"I hate you!" Eren said playfully, reaching over to slap Levi's arm. "You're spoiling me too much! What did you do?" He asked, looking into Levi's eyes for any guilt.

"I didn't do anything!" Levi said truthfully. "I just decided that I should give you something special, even though none of these things really have any worth," he said.

"Well, how much was the ring worth?" Eren asked.

"Fifty million dollars."

"Jesus Christ!" Eren said, looking at the large ring. "Why do you spoil me??" Eren asked. Levi only shushed him and motioned for him to open the next gift.

When Eren reached his hand inside of the next bag, he felt a box. As he pulled it out, he noticed that it read iPhone on the side of the box.

"This better not be— oh my god!" As he read the side of the box, it said 7s Plus in bold, black letters.

"I already had the 7!" Eren squealed excitedly. Levi only soaked in all of Eren's excitement, loving to see his queen's face light up with each gift.

"I swear I'm going to cry!" Eren said, wiping his eyes to keep tears from actually falling. Eren hopped off the bed and jumped into Levi's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you, my queen."


As Eren and Levi went into the bathroom to prepare for the day, Eren noticed that a few things were different about his body. Not only was his hair about five inches longer, but his eyelashes were longer, and his eyes were more angled at the ends, appearing as though he had on winged eyeliner. He moved up closer to the mirror and smiled to see two sharp fangs where his canines used to be.

"The hell?" He asked, making Levi laugh and wrap his arms around Eren's waist, placing his chin in the crook of Eren's neck.

"That's the transformation. I told you that you'd be a mix of a vampire and a fertile. Though you don't look much different, don't you look stunning?" Levi asked, planting a kiss on Eren's neck. Eren only rolled his eyes.

But, he had to admit, he did look absolutely stunning.

"Levi, do you have abs?" Eren asked, praying that he did.

"You didn't see my stomach when we were fucking?" Levi asked, confused.

Eren shook his head. "I was too busy having the life fucked out of me," he replied, rolling his eyes.

Levi chuckled a bit before lifting up his shirt. "Turn around," he told Eren. Eren did just as he was told, gasping at the eight pack that was being shown to him.

It was so... sculpted and defined. Each ridge was just perfection and music to Eren's eyes. He could almost hear the blood rush to his face as his face grew hot.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Eren said, reaching out and running a finger down Levi's stomach. "How long did it take you to get these like this?" Eren asked, amazed.

"Only about three years. But I've been alive for like thirty billion, so that's not really anything," Levi answered, making Eren widen his eyes.

"You've been alive for thirty billion years? You don't look a day over twenty!" Eren said, truly surprised. Levi only laughed and went to put his shirt down, but he was stopped by Eren.

"Take your shirt off," he commanded meekly. Levi smirked at Eren but did as he said, bringing the shirt up over his head.

"You happy?" He asked Eren.



(A/N: I'm hoping this story has been enjoyable enough. There's been a lot of fluff, but soon, the plot shall thicken. Be ready!)

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