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Eren hopped in Levi's lap, bouncing up and down to wake him up.

"Get up, sleepyhead!" Eren yelled as he continued to bounce. Eren stopped bouncing, but Levi didn't wake up. Eren tried again, bouncing harder.

"Get! Up! Levi!" Eren yelled, trying to wake him up for their mall date today.

Then, Levi moaned.

Eren stopped bouncing with wide eyes. Levi's eyes opened to see who could be on his dick at this hour of the morning.

"Oh, hello darling," he said, sitting up. "Why are you bouncing in my lap?"

"I was trying to wake you up, but you moaned," Eren replied, climbing out of Levi's lap. "But anyway, get up! We're going to the mall today, remember?" Eren said, kissing Levi's face.

Levi thought for a moment before he widened his eyes.

"Uhhh, Eren?" He said softly.

Eren frowned. "What?"

"What if I told you I can't go to the mall with you today?"

Eren rolled his eyes and sighed in disappointment, getting back into the bed and rolling over.


Eren was still in bed an hour later, sulking. Why would Levi promise that he'd go to the mall and then cancel? Eren was so excited that he would be able to spend the whole day with Levi, but now he couldn't. What an asshole.

"Heyyy Eren," Hanji cooed as they opened the door, looking for the queen.

"Go away, I'm not in the mood," Eren replied, knowing that Levi probably told Hanji to retrieve him.

Hanji sighed. "Queen Eren, his royal highness has called. He wants to see you in the cuddling room."

Eren groaned loudly. "If he wants to see me so bad, then why doesn't he come up here?" He yelled, throwing a pillow and hitting Hanji in the face. They sighed before pulling out their phone and texting Levi.

Shitty Glasses: he says you should come up here.

King_Levi: fuck. I'll be up in a minute.

"He says he'll be up in a minute," Hanji said. Eren only grunted.

"Eren?" Levi asked as he walked in. Hanji bowed before leaving, not wanting to be in the middle of whatever they had going on.


"I'm sorry," Levi replied, climbing into the bed with Eren and hugging him tightly.

"You canceled on me last minute."

"I know... but I got you some presents."

Eren jolted up.


Levi nodded. "You have to come out of bed to get them, though."

Eren sighed before throwing the covers off, getting out of bed. He and Levi then teleported to the cuddling room where all the presents were.


Eren gasped loudly at the number of boxes that filled the room. "How many things did you get me?" Eren asked, hugging Levi tightly.

"Just a few, nothing special," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Can I open them now?" Eren asked excitedly. Levi nodded as Eren ran over to the first box he saw.

Quickly ripping it open, he gasped.

"It's a hamster!" He said, holding the animal close. It squirmed in his hands as he swooned over it.

The next box was smaller. Eren tore it open to find a set of car keys.

"Go look out the window and press the lock button," Levi says.

Eren does so, seeing a blue 2016 Lamborghini Huracan.

"You didn't!" Eren yelled, turning to Levi in surprise.

"I did. Now open the other gifts."

The next box was like the ones his crowns came in. "Oh my! A new crown!" He said, opening the box. The crown was solid gold.

"No! This is too much!" Eren said, looking around the room. He'd only opened three boxes, and there were at least one hundred more. Next, he opened a box that seemed to have a ring in it.

"Is this a playboy ring?" Eren asked, examining it closely.

"Yes, it is, because you're my own personal playboy bunny," Levi said with a smirk. Next, Eren opened a box with a necklace in it.

"It's a key! With an E!" Eren squealed. Levi smiled at Eren's cuteness.

"Thank you!" Eren said to Levi, getting up to hug him tightly.


After Eren had opened all one hundred gifts, he had a shit load of shit that he'd have to find room for. Of course, that wouldn't be a problem seeing how much space the castle had. He and Levi decided that their bedroom would be extended so that Eren could have a walk-in closet. The room would also be remodeled and painted, so all of that would happen at the same time.

Of course, all of that would be done in a matter of hours, seeing as Levi only hired the best of the best construction workers.

Levi and Eren cuddled on the couch, watching some rom-com. Levi sighs before turning to Eren.

"There's something I need to tell you."


Levi sighed again before speaking.

"Kenny is coming next week. Based on the memories given to you, you should know who he is. Kenny comes whenever there's a new queen and evaluates whether or not you and I are a good match. If we are, then he comes back periodically to check on us. If we're not, then he leaves and comes back to take you at some random time."

"How does he know if we're a good match?"

"It depends on whether or not we function as a normal couple. If we argue but still kiss and hug and shit, then we're a good couple. If we don't argue at all, we're not a good couple. If we argue too much and don't show each other any love, we're not a good couple."

"Are we a good couple?"

"I can only hope so. I've already had seven queens taken from me. I can't lose you."

Queen (RiRen/RivaEre)Where stories live. Discover now