s a t u r d a y , m a r c h 6 t h

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I let out a loud sigh as the front door slams, drawing a glass of water to help my dry and scratchy throat before going upstairs to change.

I kept on my short jean shorts, but it was quite warm today so I switched out the baseball tee for a sequined tank top Charlie had bought me. She bought these shorts for me too.

Taking out my phone, I shot her a text to thank her again for the clothes. We had exchanged numbers at the mall that day.

Charlie was really nice. Spending time with her was fun, and she did a lot of the talking which was great for an introvert like me. She's someone who I'd like to be closer with.

Since my house was empty, and I needed to blow off some steam, I went into my brothers room and grabbed his old metal baseball bat and went out back of our house. I couldn't really break anything, so I was just gonna hit it around at the dirt and grass. My brother probably wouldn't be home for a few hours, so he wouldn't see me doing this, and therefore wouldn't yell at me for going in his room.

The hot sun beat down on my skin, making beads of sweat form as I swung the bat around. And then I remembered the old tv that was sitting in our front sidewalk, to be taken to the dump.

So I rushed through the house to escape through the front door and immediately brought the bat down on the tv several times as I released my frustrations. There had been a lot of those pent up lately, but I lost it about ten minutes ago.

"Iris! What're you doing?" Calum laughed.

His car pulled up into the driveway before stopping. I watched as he took the key out, slid his sunglasses off of his face, and got out of the car before walking over to me while chuckling.

I just sighed and shook my head, turning on my heel and walking up my front steps, through the front door, and sitting in my kitchen. Unfortunately I didn't lock the door, meaning that Calum followed me right inside.

"Why are you here? There's no school. It's a Saturday. And if it's to apologize for going to get drunk and lying about it, then calling me, you already did that and I forgave you."

"I was coming to pick you up so we could hangout..." Calum trails off. "I should've called but I didn't think it mattered."

"You should just go home, Calum. We don't need to hangout, it's a Saturday. There would be no point unless it was at a school event or with your friends, right?" I hum, picking at my nails before hopping out of my seat to get a drink. "Want some water? Lemonade?"

"I'm all set," he mumbles. "Iris, the point of us hanging out would be to get to know each other better. If not for a friendship, then at least for the sake of the bet. So if we get asked things we know the answers." I let out a sigh, finishing off my glass of lemonade and looking at the tan boy, who's eyes have trailed down to my chest. And when I turn a little, they trail more so he can examine my ass.

"Other people may think I'm your girlfriend, but I'm really not. Keep your eyes in check." I warm him. "I'll just go grab my phone and we can go, I guess."

Before he can even answer, I jog up my stairs, grab my phone, put the bat in my brothers room, and meet Calum in my kitchen again.

It had been two days since he had gotten drunk and called me, but it honestly felt like a lifetime ago. I was a bit upset at first, but by morning I had already forgiven him. And then he brought me flowers and coffee to apologize, so I completely dropped it and didn't care.

And I still don't. I'm not frustrated with him.

He pulls up to the diner, grabbing my hand as we walk in. Shelly doesn't work Saturday lunch hours, but we both know Betty who fills in at that time.

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