f r i d a y , a p r i l 9 t h

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EPILOGUE part 2 of 2

With my eyebrows drawn together, I read through the different flavors of ice cream that laid in front of me. I wasn't sure which one to get, so I grabbed top three.

I pushed the grocery cart away and went to go look for cookies, an all too familiar voice stopping me.

"Iris?" It spoke, making me turn around. And there he was, Calum Hood. My first love was standing here in front of me in the grocery store. "It really is you! I haven't seen you in what, five years? Minus Luke and Sam's wedding." He smiled gently.

"That sounds about right," I laugh and nod, taking in his appearance. He hadn't changed too much in the last five years. Blonde streaks gone, shorter hair, finally achieving some stubble to grow from his face, bushier eyebrows, a bit buffer, and more tattoos. "How've you been?" I ask, leaning in to give him a quick hug.

"I've been good," he chuckles, looking me up and down.

I'm glad this isn't an awkward encounter. The two of us broke up before the end of our first year at college, which was about five years ago at this point. It all became too much, we kept fighting, and we just called it off.

Ashton had told me how broken up he was about it, and I wasn't any better. But I took that summer to heal and spend time with friends, and I slowly got over it.

I assume that he had done the same. We'd only seen one another once since we had broken up, about a year and a half ago when we were both part of Luke and Sam's wedding. We didn't really talk.

Of course we were all still pretty young, but they really loved each other. Sam was actually two months pregnant right now. The two were excited, and looking at houses.

"You look good," Calum hums, making me raise my eyebrows. "You know what I meant, Iris. I'm not still a horny teen." The boy rolls his eyes at me, the two of us laughing. "So what've you been up to lately?"

"Just the usual. Working, being an adult, all that. And some other stuff but it would take me too long to tell you everything here." He nods, eyes trailing to the items in my cart.

In it is three tubs of ice cream, chips, soda, alcohol, a ton of greasy food, chocolate, and I was on my way to get cookies. Probably a little worrying.

"That looks like a recipe for a breakup. You okay?" Calum asks, chuckling lightly.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. This actually isn't for me, I've taken a little break from dating. This is for Charlie, her and Adam just broke up." Yeah, Sam and Luke were the only couple of us that survived.

Ashton and Charlie broke up about three years ago. It was really hard for both of them, and it wasn't pretty. The two of them were both wrecks for months, and I felt bad that I couldn't have been there for Charlie more. We were at different schools, and it was a bit difficult to comfort her from a distance.

"Aw, I thought her and Adam were cute together." He shrugs. "Poor girl,"

"She's pretty broken up about it. I actually have to go to hers, so I've gotta get going. It was nice seeing you, Calum." I smile, turning to grab my cart again.

"You too, Iris. We should catch up sometime." Calum suggests. I think about it for a moment before nodding.

"Ask Luke for my number, I'll see you, Calum!" He waves as I rush away, quickly finding the cookies and going to check out. It was really nice to see Calum, he was such a big part of my life at one point until all of a sudden he wasn't.

APRIL FOOLS  ≠ calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now