w e d n e s d a y , o c t o b e r 6 t h

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A sigh left my lips, flipping through pages of notes and rereading sections of my text book. It was 10:13, but I was exhausted.

I'd been studying for hours for a huge test that I had tomorrow in one of my classes. It was a morning class too, which I was starting to regret taking. Now, eight doesn't seem all that early, but when you're exhausted and have to wake up at seven, taking a test isn't fun. Even when you're not exhausted, tests in the morning aren't fun.

It was probably going to be another few hours before I went to bed at least. I needed to cram, because I wasn't doing so hot in this class. I was trying, yes, but I was having some trouble.

The fact that most people had trouble with this class made me feel better, though. David took it last year and told me all about it, and he gave me study tips.

So here I was, at my desk surrounded in notes and highlighters, trying to make sure I was prepared. The sound of a key in the lock made me sit up from where I was leaning, looking over to see the door open, revealing Sam , Trent, David, Luke, and Michael.

"You're still studying?" David chuckles. "Iris, you've gotta give yourself a break."

"No, I have to cram." I mumble, picking up a highlighter and turning back to my notes. "It's only been like, five hours,"

"Your boyfriend would tell you to get some sleep." Michael shrugs. "You'll feel better for the test in the morning if you've slept well. You're only stressing yourself out." I groan, knowing he's right, but I really need to keep studying.

"My boyfriend isn't here right now. Incase you forgot, he doesn't go here. And you won't bug him about this." I laugh quietly. Calum and I hadn't seen each other in three weeks. But we were supposed to spend this weekend together, so I was just looking forward to that.

"Well we came to drag you out for some late night ice cream." Trent grins, pulling me to my feet and linking his arm with mine. "And then you're gonna come back and sleep."

"Nope. You guys go, I'll be here. Have fun," I wave, sitting back down.

"Sleep soon, Iris." Luke shakes his head as the five of them go, leaving me to study in peace.

I continue to study, past when Sam comes home, and past when she falls asleep, and until I feel like I'm about to pass out on my books. What I really need right now is some sleep. Feeling like I've done enough studying, I change into some fluffy pants and one of Calum's shirts before climbing into my bed.

t h u r s d a y , o c t o b e r 7 t h

Unfortunately, I don't get the chance to fall asleep. My phone starts to buzz, so I pick it up to see that Calum's calling me. What is he doing at this hour?

I accept the call, slipping out of the room as not to wake Sam.

"Baby!" Calum giggles through the phone line. Just the sound of his voice makes me heart drop. "I was hoping y-you'd be awake. I'm druuuuuunk," apparently my heart dropped for good reason.

"Calum, what are you doing drunk at 12:30 on a Wed- I guess it's Thursday,- Thursday night?! You've got class tomorrow, and you should be asleep. You hadn't had anything to drink in a while." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. Suddenly I'm not feeling all that tired anymore. Worry pumps through my veins.

"I missed it, and you!" He laughs again, making me shake my head. "My roommate is out tonight, I got sad and then remembered I had this."

"Just- stop drinking okay?"

"I don't want toooooo," Calum slurs, and I can hear him take another swig of the alcohol.

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