m o n d a y , a u g u s t 3 0 t h

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EPILOGUE part 1 of 2

I let out a sigh and collapsed on the couch, pulling my hair back into a pony tail. It seemed as if it were a thousand degrees outside and it didn't help that I had been running up and down my stairs all day.

Even though I was wearing shorts and a crop top, I felt like I was wearing several layers. All I wanted right now was to lie down and sleep.

"Are you all done packing?" My fathers voice rang from the kitchen. Normally my parents would be at work, but they both took the day off to be home with me.

"Yes," I groan loudly. "And I'm tired and it's hot. I'm gonna sleep the entire car ride." My parents just laugh at me and shake their heads as I watch reruns of How I Met Your Mother and relax a little bit.

With everything that's happening today, I'm surprised I'm not nervous. Today was the day I was going off to college. Of course, there were some nerves, but mostly I was excited for the future, and sad about growing up and leaving. It seems like the month changed to May and everything was set to turbo speed. May felt like yesterday.

Honestly, I'd finished packing last week. Everything I needed was shoved into boxes for me to move into my dorm. Today I just brought them outside and shoved them into the car.

My phone buzzed, making me sigh and roll over to grab it. I probably would've ignored it if I didn't think that it was my boyfriend.

Calum: I'm still driving you right???

Iris: of course. My parents will be following us with my stuff though, so we can't stop anywhere.

Calum: damn.
Calum: I wanted to stop somewhere and sacrifice you to Satan

I roll my eyes and put my phone down again, but it continues to buzz with excited texts from all of my friends about college.

Unfortunately, Calum and I were not going to be attending the same college. Being away from him was going to suck, but we can text and call and visit each other some weekends. Our schools are about three and a half hours away from each other.

Obviously we wouldn't be able to visit each other every weekend, and we had already covered that. On weekends we can't hangout we plan to watch movies together over FaceTime unless we're really busy. Calum and I were used to seeing each other a lot, but we could handle it.

Plus, I had gotten my license so I was getting a car soon, so it wouldn't just be him driving every time, or weekends where he couldn't come to my school but I could go up to his would be cool too. It was all going to work out.

Charlie and Ashton were attending the same college as Calum, while Luke and I were going to the same one. I was glad to have someone I spoke to.

Michael was taking a year off, but in the meantime he was going to be near Luke and I, since Luke and him were moving into an apartment together. I was getting a dorm and living on campus. I'd have a roommate, but so far anything I know about her is an assumption. I assume we have something in common, since they have a survey and usually try to pair people that will get along.

Today, Calum was driving me to my school because he wanted to be there to see me off. He wasn't going to his until tomorrow afternoon, and he had finished packing, so today we were just going to be together.

Again, my phone began to buzz, this time with a call. From Luke.

"Sup, Lucas?"

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