f r i d a y , a p r i l 3 0 t h

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Michael's voice rang through the halls as him and the rest of Calum's friends shouted for us and shoved through people to catch us as we were leaving.

"What is it?" Calum laughs, turning around to face them.

"We just wanna hangout today," Charlie pants. "Wow I hate running. Next time you can carry me, Ashton."

"You could've texted or called, you didn't have to chase after us," I snicker. We were walking at a moderate pace, so even if they didn't feel like texting us they could've caught up just by speed walking. Sometimes I don't get them.

"We can hangout." Calum rolls his eyes. "But can we do it at my place? Because I really don't feel like going out to do something."

"Wow, Calum not wanting to go out on a Friday? Iris, you've really changed him!" Luke fake gasps. "We're alright with that, meet you guys there?" We both nod, waving as we got inside Calum's car with heavy sighs. It's just been a long week, and we're very tired.

Since Sunday, I hadn't gone back to my house. My brothers texts and calls were left unanswered, and all I told my parents was that I was at a friends house and I'd be home whenever.

If I really wanted to, I could probably tell them I was with my boyfriend. They most likely wouldn't care. And even if they did, Calum and I aren't doing much.

Sure we make out and all that but it's mostly just us cuddling and talking and doing stupid shit.

We skipped school on Monday so we could bake cookies. The entire day.

They were cinnamon chocolate chip, sugar, and peanut butter; they were delicious. We slept in until about ten and then made cookies from shortly after that to six. The kitchen was filled with them and we had to dig out several cookie jars to store all of the extra ones. And that was after giving a bunch to each of his friends, and the nearby neighbors Calum said were nice. There were a lot of cookies.

And that was only Monday; we did stupid shit like that all week. It was really fun though, and Calum was helping me get my mind off of things. Plus it meant just spending time with him.

I thought Calum would be sick of me by now; spending almost every waking moment together usually gets annoying and tiring. But we were fine.

Maybe it was because when we were fake dating, we spent a lot of time together anyway. Not to this extent, but a fair amount.

We were just used to being near each other for extended periods of time. And honestly, I didn't mind that. Calum and I were never really bored, even if we were just sitting there with music.

At this point we were in silence, like we were for about half the time we were together. We didn't need to say anything. Just enjoy each other's company.

I took out my phone so I could text Charlie, but there were a lot of unopened texts.

One just happened to pop up while I was going in, and I may have clicked on it and opened it.

Taylor: Iris get your ass home
Taylor: when I see you I'm going to KILL you
Taylor: You're childish and irresponsible. This is why you're never going to survive in the real world you whore.
Taylor: I'm going to track your phones location if you don't come home today
Taylor: I fucking see you read that last one Iris. Come home

I swallowed slowly and just turned off my read receipts, after reading only the five most recent texts he had sent. There were about 100 others that I didn't bother to look at, from Sunday to now.

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