Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Desirah's POV

I set up my cheap tripod easily and carefully put my iPod on it horizontally. Nobody likes watching a video on YouTube the vertical way.

I grabbed my guitar and sat cross-legged on my twin bed, plucking the strings absent-mindedly. I tuned my guitar and sat up straighter.

"Hey, Linda!" I called a little shyly. "Would you mind adjusting my iPod's camera view, please?"

"Yes, I would mind," she huffed, flouncing in from our small corner bathroom. "But since I'm in a good mood, I'll help you anyway."

I slouched a little bit, because I knew I wouldn't sit upright the entire time I was playing the guitar and singing. This was a common special occasion. Only on special occasions did I do things like these.

"Make sure you can only see me from the lips down," I said.

"Alright," Linda replied. She tilted my iPod up a little bit. "Should I turn on the flash?"

"Um... no. There's enough light in here already."


Linda straightened and stepped away from my iPod. "You're good," she said.

"Thanks," I said. I gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, whatever," she sighed. She stared at the mirror in the wall and began to apply more makeup.

"Going out tonight?" I asked at a small attempt to make conversation.

"Duh," she sniffed. "Who isn't? Oh yeah, you, the lonely loner."

"Are you going out with Davis?" I asked, brushing off her insults. I was used to them.

"No shit," Linda shot back. "It's Valentine's Day, Davis is my boyfriend, and we're going out tonight. Everybody knows this."

"Okay," I murmured softly. I dropped the subject.

Yep, it was Valentine's Day. The holiday candy companies and Hallmark cards made up just to make more money. Lovers didn't mind because it was one more excuse they had to make kissy faces at each other all day. It was salt in the wound for everyone else, the single people.

Linda swung her coat on and stuffed a Valentine's Day card in her pocket. "I'll be back late," she told me. "Don't let any boys sneak in here after hours." She laughed as she left.

I made a face as soon as the door shut behind her. I'd never had a boyfriend before. That was kind of sad to most people, considering I was seventeen, but I didn't care. Well, now I did, but before I didn't.

But that wasn't the only thing. Boys weren't allowed in our dorm, ever. That's because this was Madame Quinn's Advanced Academy For Gifted Girls, or MQAAFGG for short. Sir Quinn's Advanced Academy For Gifted Boys was across the street. Or, SQAAFGB for short.

We weren't really advanced or gifted kids. We were "special", and not in a good way. This was a boarding school your parents sent you to if they thought you had problems. It was very encouraging. Note sarcasm.

My problem was... well, I don't know what my problem was. I liked to daydream and play my guitar a lot. I fantasized over cute guys and fictional characters. Maybe that was it. My parents thought I had an obsessive disorder.

I set my guitar aside on my bed and I stood. I had to push my tripod further forward so I could reach it and turn it on when the time came. I moved it up only a little bit, since I kind of had long arms. Like an ape.

I sat back down and put my guitar in my lap. I smiled a little bit as I folded my legs over each other and got comfortable. I reached forward and turned on my camera.

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