Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Niall's POV

The happiest day of your life will be today.

"Yeah, right," I mumbled around a mouthful of chocolate. I tossed the wrapper in a nearby overflowing trashcan and reached for more candy. I unwrapped it and read the message.

Indulge yourself.

"What do you think I'm doing, moron?" I said sarcastically. "I'm totally eating a salad while gorging myself on chocolate."

The box of chocolates was almost empty. That was a shame, because I was in a candy mood. No matter how many sweets I ate, I craved for more. I had a lot of moods like that. I had a chicken mood, salty mood, sour mood.... Well, you get the picture.

I rolled over on my bed and picked up the sweatshirt that was lying on the floor. I rustled through the pockets until I found what I was looking for. I unraveled the wrapper and read it for the umpteenth time.

You will find your other half very soon.

I had made Desirah eat the chocolate this wrapper once held five days ago. It was a wonder I was still holding onto this.

What did this fortune mean by "very soon"? To me, "very soon" meant, like, five minutes. To the wrapper, "very soon" meant weeks at a time. I still hadn't found my other half, or vice versa.

Maybe the fortune wasn't going to work on me, but on Desirah. After all, she was the one who had eaten the chocolate, not me. If I had known that this was what the wrapper would say, I would've eaten the chocolate myself. That was selfish of me. If the fortune worked on Desirah, I would be happy for her. She deserved it.

It's not like I believed these things actually worked. Most of the time they didn't. But I did believe in happy coincidences. I thought that if you received one of these fortunes, you had to try very hard to be a positive person in order to get what was promised to you. I was naturally a positive person, so I more than deserved the promise in this fortune. Desirah wasn't naturally a happy person, but she had eaten the chocolate.

I didn't feel like doing the math, so I depended on chance. Who was going to meet their other half very soon?

I ran out of chocolates, and I sighed. I shoved the box in the trashcan with some difficulty, but saved the wrapper once again. I still had hope. How long was I going to keep this up? Until I got married?

I left my bedroom and went into the kitchen, where Liam and Zayn were playing some kind of weird card game. I looked through all of the cabinets, but there wasn't any candy in them. When I looked in the refrigerator, I saw the five-day old sundae sitting in a soupy mess right in front of me. Yuck, but I'd live. I grabbed a plastic spoon and began scooping up the thick liquid and guzzling it down my throat.

"That's disgusting," Zayn remarked as he threw down an ace of spades.

"You're just mad 'cause you suck at this game," Liam smirked, throwing down a king of hearts. Even though Zayn got the pair of cards, Liam's stack was higher.

"I was talking about Niall eating that thing," Zayn said with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh, yeah," Liam noticed. "That's gross."

"Hey, no one else was going to eat it," I pointed out.

"It belongs in the trash."

I gasped and turned away from him, hugging the plastic bowl to my chest. "Shame on you! Ice cream has feelings too!"

"How? It's an inanimate object that melts within seconds."

"How rude! What if I called you an inanimate object that melts within seconds?"

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