Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Desirah's POV

I woke up to my ringtone, which wasn't a very pleasant way to wake up.

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my number, so call me maybe!"

Of course I had Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe" as my ringtone. That was the sole reason why that song was made, right? No? Well, that was the sole reason why I bought it.

I groaned and dragged my arm out from under my pillow. My hand slapped my nightstand, looking for my phone. I refused to open my eyes. I finally found my phone and snatched it up. I forced my eyes open and ran my thumb across the screen.

"Hello?" I yawned. With my free hand, I knuckled my eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine!" an Irish voice sang loudly. "It's almost 9am. I let you sleep in, but now we have to go!"

"Where?" I grumbled, not quite registering who I was talking to.

"To Mount Rushmore, dummy! Remember?"

That's when I realized Niall Horan was on the phone. I stuffed my fist in my mouth to keep from screaming. Holy crap! I wasn't ready at all! I had to go!

"O-okay," I stammered. "Just give me a few minutes, okay?"

"Alright. I'll be at MQAAFGG in, like, ten minutes to pick you up."

"Sounds good. I'll see you in ten minutes."

"Roger that."

I hung up and jumped out of bed. I threw my drawers open and flung my clothes everywhere, trying to find something decent to wear. I finally settled with a pair of jean shorts, pink and gray patterned Batman-logo knee-high socks (I love my Batman), and a blue and purple tie-dye Captain America crop top. I didn't want my flabby stomach to be revealed for the whole world to see, so I wore a white undershirt underneath the crop top.

I brushed my teeth as fast as possible, same with my hair. I popped a breath mint in my mouth, just in case. I grabbed my gray hoodie and sprinted out the door. Linda was already in school, so I didn't have to worry about her.

When I ran outside, Niall's rental car wasn't there. I was surprisingly early. I calmed down and smoothed down my shirt. Since it was warm out, I tied my hoodie's sleeves around me so I didn't have to hold it. I stuck my wallet in my jeans' pocket.

I saw a familiar blue car in the distance, and I smiled. I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet excitedly as I waited for it. It slowed to a stop by the sidewalk, just a few feet away from me. I trotted forward a little precariously. The window to the passenger seat rolled down.

"What are you waiting for?" Niall yelled at me, his Irish accent mangling his words. He didn't sound mad or impatient, just excited. "Get in! Let's go!"

I opened the door and slipped inside the car in one smooth motion. I shut the door behind me. Niall eased his foot on the gas, and we sailed forward to Mount Rushmore.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" I asked Niall. "I mean, this is a two-hour long car drive. Can you handle it?"

He gave me a smart-ass look. "Desirah, I've travelled around the world with the craziest boys in the universe. I think I can handle anything."

"Oh, right," I said, nodding. "Sorry. So, does Louis still sleepwalk and sleep-talk?" I asked in an attempt to start a conversation, without really changing the subject.

"Are you kidding?" Niall exclaimed. "He can't ever shut up or lay down! I even found him singing once!"

"Seriously? What was he singing?"

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