Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Niall's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed, mulling over what Desirah had said to me. Was I really a hothead who rushed into things and never thought about them? Probably. I usually just did things and thought about the consequences later on. That wasn't very smart of me. But that was who I was. Could I not change the dumb challenger inside of me?

I frowned as I stared up at the ceiling. It's not like Desirah was a perfect little angel, either. She had her flaws. She was too shy. She was kind of a nerd. She hid herself from the world and tried to be unnoticed. She had this firm belief that no one liked her very much.

Desirah was the opposite of me, I realized. I knew people liked me; she didn't. I shone in the world's glory; she hid from it. I was outgoing; she wasn't. I didn't think; she did.

It all suddenly made sense to me. Desirah was right: We needed a little bit of each other. We weren't perfect. In fact, we were downright failures. But that was okay. People still liked us for who we were.

I smiled and folded my hands behind my head. I wanted the world handed on a silver platter to Desirah. She may not want it, but once she had it she would learn to appreciate it. Like I did. She was talented, even if she didn't want to admit it. I saw it in her. She deserved the world. She deserved everything.

I rolled over for the last time and closed my eyes. I was going to make Desirah famous, if it was the last thing I did.


I woke up too quickly, so my vision was blurry when I opened my eyes. I rubbed them with my knuckles, blinking multiple times. A few minutes later I could finally see a few feet ahead of me. Good enough.

I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, but that was it. I thought about the day ahead of me. What lesson should I--I mean, the boys and I--teach Desirah today? She had public appearances down.... Hmm, how about get-aways? Oh, yes!

I grinned as I walked out of my room with a spring in my step. Get-aways were fun. At least, I would think so. I wasn't too good at running, but I was amazing at creating diversions, not to mention the fact I was the fastest driver on the road.

"Good morning, Niall!" Zayn chirped when I entered the kitchen. "How did you sleep? I had a wonderful night!"

"Why?" I inquired. "Did Perrie come over or something?"

His face flushed. "No! I just had a lot of pleasant dreams."

"That involved Perrie," Harry said pointedly. Zayn glared at him.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked eagerly.

Liam shrugged. "Who knows?"

My shoulders slumped. "What? No one made breakfast?" I sounded destroyed, even to myself.

"Breakfast's being made right now," Liam said. I counted all of the heads in the kitchen. All five of us were in here. Then who...?

"Breakfast's ready!" a female voice chirped. Desirah's head poked around the corner and grinned at us. "Good, Niall, you're awake. I made everything I knew I could! Which isn't much."

Harry helped her carry out all of the plates of food. There were pancakes, waffles, bacon, French toast, PopTarts, cereal, oatmeal, and eggs. I glared at the eggs as though they were responsible for Desirah's lie.

"I wanted to thank you guys for letting me stay here," she said to us with a small smile. "And you, Niall, for that amazing breakfast buffet yesterday."

"You're welcome," I smirked. "I'm an astounding cook, aren't I?"

Harry huffed indignantly.

"Let's eat already!" Louis shouted, pounding a plastic fork against the tabletop.

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