Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Desirah's POV

It was taking all of my willpower not to fangirl as Niall and I walked into Starbucks together. How was this happening? Was Niall really crazy enough to leave the comfort of his UK mansion and fly all the way to the States just to meet me? I wasn't that big of a deal. I was most certainly going to be a disappointment to him.

We walked up to the cashier, and the grip I had on my wallet tightened. I was no longer a mystery. My ugly face was exposed. I was surprised Niall hadn't run screaming by now, but maybe he was just too nice. But what about the cashier, whom I'd come to know?

The cashier looked up at the sound of our footsteps and smiled. "Hello," he greeted us. "What can I get for you today?" He glanced at me, then looked at me fully. "Hey, I know you. You're the mystery customer! Not a mystery any longer, I see."

I licked my lips nervously and nodded. Niall nudged me, and I looked up at him. He smiled, and I blushed a little bit. I looked away again. This could not be happening.

"I'll have a wild berry smoothie," Niall ordered. "And the biggest muffin you've got." I giggled behind my hand. Typical Niall.

"And you, miss?" the cashier asked me.

"You know my usual," I reminded him.

"Oh, right. Hot chocolate. Coming right up."

Niall paid for his food. I took out my wallet, but Niall grabbed my wrist. I looked at him again.

"It's okay," he said. "I've got it covered. A gentleman never lets a woman pay."

I wanted to protest, but then I thought of a rather clever comeback. I was so proud of myself. "You might as well give me your credit card now," I teased him.

He blinked, then laughed. "You got me there."

His laugh was the best. There was no other laugh like Niall's, and it made my cheeks flush. I made him laugh! That was a real life accomplishment.

Our food was ready. I took the drinks and Niall the muffin. He had to hold it with two hands, it was so large. I grinned. We sat across from each other at a booth by the window.

"So," Niall said, his eyes flicking downwards. I realized he was looking at my cup. He was looking for my name. "You are the most nameless person I know," he complained.

I chuckled. The name on the cup read "Mystery Girl". "I make it a point to stay anonymous," I said. "You can go on calling me ForeverAlone."

"But it's so rude of me," he protested. "It doesn't feel right. Please tell me your name. I already know where you live and all."

"You what?" I gasped.

Niall's eyes widened and he smacked himself. "Uh, I just... never mind."

"You're a stalker," I accused.

"I am not!" he exclaimed. "I'm just a very good friend. Now tell me your freaking name!"

Niall's ears were red, alerting me that he was embarrassed. I smiled in amusement. Niall embarrassed in front of me. I never would have thought that would happen to me in a million years.

"Okay," I said. "I'll tell you my name. I just didn't want you finding out what I look like, is all."

"Why not?" Niall asked, frowning.

I ignored his question. "My name is Desirah," I said.

"Desirah," he echoed. "That's a really pretty and unique name. I never would have guessed that."

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