Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Desirah's POV

I watched as the boys bowed and jumped into the little hole in the stage, disappearing from sight. It was a little disappointing, frightening, and exciting all at the same time.

A series of emotions was fleeting through my head. Happiness, sadness, anxiety, amazement, surprise. The emotions I had listed above when the boys left the stage. I wasn't sure what to feel.

I felt like it was over, and it was time for me to head home. There was nothing more for me to do. But then I remembered my VIP pass, and the empty feeling in my stomach disappeared. I was going to meet One Direction! I would get to see Niall again! I smiled broadly.

As the other fangirls were ushered out of the stadium, a handful were left wandering around. Some were still squealing or jumping up and down. Others were standing still, looking elated. I wondered what I looked like.

"Alright, girls, get in line!" a male voice barked. "If you want to meet One Direction, that is."

All of the girls started screaming, except for me.

"As you walk up here, I need you to show me your VIP pass. Then Dennis here will show you where the guys are located. Understand?"

To show that they did, the girls rushed around to get in line first. I stood back and waited for the line to formulate. I didn't mind if I was last. It would probably be better that way, anyway.

The girls inched forward as the man who had spoken checked their VIP passes. Not one of them were fake, which I was relieved to see. At least this fandom wasn't totally crazy. Then it was me.

"VIP pass, please," the man said, sounding a lot like the security guard/ticket master had.

I showed it to him. He nodded and gestured for me to move forward. I did. He looked around, but there was no one else left.

"Is that all? Good. Now go follow Dennis."

To calm my nerves, I sang the "follow the leader" song in my head as I followed the girls. I was so excited that words couldn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. Now when had I felt like this before? We stopped outside a door behind the stage. Dennis turned to us.

"You girls will go in one at a time," he said. "You each have exactly five minutes to say hi and do whatever it is you want to do. There's an exit on the other side of the stage. Don't try to stay any longer, alright?"

We nodded. I wondered if the same rules applied to me. Probably, since I was just an ordinary fangirl to the security guards. But would Niall try to make me stay any longer? What would happen then?

I was getting my hopes up. Niall and I were close, but not that close. He wouldn't break the rules just for me, and I doubted I would for him. But then again, I did skip school to hang out with him, which was very risky for someone like me....

Dennis opened the door, letting the first girl inside. She flounced in, and he shut the door behind her. We were swamped in darkness again. There wasn't much light behind the stage.

"This is so exciting," the girl in front of me whispered. She didn't have to be so quiet, but I couldn't blame her. "I can't believe this is happening. This has to be a dream!"

"I'm so nervous," another girl said. "Like, what if I do something stupid in front of them? Ugh, what if I pass gas or something?"

The other girls giggled. "They're guys, remember," a third girl said. "They'd probably just laugh and get over it."

"You don't know One Direction," the last girl objected. "They would probably tease you endlessly about it."

"I disagree," said the first girl. "Niall farts all the time, and they think that's both disgusting and hilarious. What difference does it make if a girl does it?"

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