Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Niall's POV

I slept soundly that night. Nearly dying about twenty times does that to a person.

I dreamed that Desirah was driving a convertible and I was in the passenger seat next to her. We were driving along a cliff overlooking a large expanse of water. Somehow, the wind whipped off my seatbelt and I flew into the air. I went careening over the side of the cliff and plummeted towards my death. The sound of my body hitting the water sounded like a siren. Wait, a siren?

"Wake up, Niall James Horan!"

My eyes shot open and I scrambled around in the dark, panting hard. Apparently in my dreams, I couldn't swim.

The lights flickered on, and I shielded my eyes from the sudden brightness. Once my vision adjusted accordingly, I looked at the two figures standing in front of me. Harry was wearing a black muscle tank and dark shorts. He held a blow-horn in his hand. Desirah was wearing a light blue muscle tank that exposed her black sports bra. It matched her black shorts. They were both grinning.

"What?" I asked groggily. "What time is it?"

"5:30am," Harry smirked. "Welcome to the sexy life, mate."

"What?" I yelped. "Why'd you guys wake me up this early?"

"Exercise, remember?" Desirah reminded me with a large smile. "You have to get up bright and early. There's a special protein smoothie waiting for you in the kitchen. We both made it. Harry here was very willing to help me out. We'll be your coaches for the day."

I groaned, collapsing back on my pillow. I should've known Harry would tag along just to join in torturing me. "Today is not going to be a good day," I said, not even trying to hide my distaste.

"Your endorphins will tell you differently," Desirah giggled. "Harry and I will meet you in the weight room. Don't bother trying to get out of this. We can drag you in there if we have to. Plus, you promised me."

I didn't remember saying the exact words, "Desirah, I promise I'll exercise early in the morning and die just so you can learn how to drive for a few more hours", but maybe I did. Doubtful. Unless Desirah got me really drunk and made me say it. Ugh, today was not going to be a good day.

"Your untouched workout clothes should be somewhere in your closet," Harry said. "Happy hunting!"

I slunk out of bed and trudged over to my closet, going as slow as possible. The two maniacs watched me. Harry blew the blow-horn in my face unexpectedly.

"What the hell was that for, you dick?!" I yelled, holding my ears tenderly. Desirah winced.

"You've got to move faster than that," Harry lectured, unfazed. "Trust me, there's plenty more where that came from."

Grudgingly, I picked up the pace. I had to dig through my drawers for a moment, but I finally found some acceptable basketball shorts and a white bro tank. For some reason, Desirah and Harry were still standing in my room.

"Why are you still here?" I demanded. "Get out!"

Desirah ran out of there. Harry smirked at me before leaving, as though he knew something I didn't. I wasn't sure what that meant, but it irritated me.

After I changed, I went into the kitchen and explored the refrigerator. I found the smoothie on the top shelf and sucked it down in two minutes. I moaned when I felt a brain-freeze coming on. Maybe a fast PopTart wouldn't hurt....

"You're done? Good!" a preppy voice chirped, nearly scaring the crap out of me.

Desirah took my hand and dragged me down to the basement. The basement had two parts: The normal part, and the prison part. The normal part had a bar, flatscreen TV, stacks upon stacks of video games and movies, ping pong and hockey tables, and a bunch of other fun things.

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