Author's Note!!

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Author's Note!!

I was kind of inconsistent with this story. We will never know what happened to Isabelle, Linda, who Desirah's girl best friend is, or why she hated her family so much. I tried hinting at it near the end of the book, but I'm not sure how many people actually got it.

Do you know how long I've been clinging to this story idea? I think it started when I graduated from the eighth grade. I'm a sophomore in high school now. Thank goodness not in college, right?

I got a Samsung tablet as a reward for graduating, and I was watching "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" some time later. I was messing around on Twitter, having recently gotten an account. I saw a bunch of love accounts, and that gave me an idea. So yeah, that's how this story came about. I also thought of a pirate Harry Styles idea because of the movie, but I soon ditched it because I thought it was stupid.

Do you know the real reason why I wrote this story? Probably not. There was a girl on here whose name was Desirah. She pointed out to me that no one had a main character in their story who had a name like hers. I told her that next time I wrote a story, it was going to be about her. But then she deleted her Wattpad account before I could write this, so she's probably never going to see this story. Let's all hope for a moment that she will return to Wattpad and see this story made just for her.

For my first Niall Horan story, I think I did pretty well. Some chapters were sucky, some I was really proud of. But all in all, I feel like this is a success in my own eyes. I'll definitely be writing another Niall Horan story in the future.

You know what I think is funny? When we read a fanfiction, we fall in love with the main character and hope that she and the boy of choice will get together. I mean, if you do love the main character. But when the boys get with someone in real life, almost everyone hates her. It isn't natural. What if that girl is living her very own fanfiction life, living the dream, but we're all trying put her down for it? I think that really sucks.

Who ships Niall and Desirah? I didn't at first, but now I do. They're totally meant to be together, because they're each other's "other halves". I'm really starting to wish I didn't name this story "Goodbye". Rather, I want it to be called "Other Half". Or maybe even "Broken Soul"! That sounds really mysterious. But it's too late now. A good author waits until their story is finished before picking a title. But what beginning author actually does that?

I have my old spark back! My first few stories were around forty to fifty chapters, but near the middle they began to shrink to merely thirty. My goal for this book was to get to forty or fifty, and I managed to uphold it! Woohoo for me! Now let's hope I can do it for the rest of my stories....

I'll just cut to the chase: You're all probably wondering what story I'm going to write next, aren't you? No? Well, too bad, you're going to find out anyway.

Remember when I asked for your guys' help on what I should do with my forty-plus story ideas? Well, I've finally reached a decision. Based on your guys' suggestions, I'm going to post all of the stories that I have a substantial amount of chapters on all at the same time! Woohoo for extremity! After that, I'll just post a chapter on those stories whenever I feel like it. Here are the descriptions (sort of) for the next few stories coming your way.

All of the new stories coming out are my first 5SOS fanfics! I know, exciting, right? I'm kind of nervous about them though, because all first-fandom fanfics are a bit carroty. Or whatever the term is in the 5SOS Fam. But I think I can handle them. They shouldn't be too hard.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about 1D. I still love them. But I have ten completed fanfictions written about them right now, and about twenty other story ideas waiting to be written about them. I think it's 5SOS' turn, don't you think?

My first couple of fanfics are about Luke Hemmings. Typical, right? I assure you that the only reason I'm starting with Luke is because we're basically twins. I feel like I'll be able to relate to him more, therefore write a more accurate story.

The first one is called "Everest". It's supposed to be a romantic comedy, but kind of heartwarming at the same time. Luke finds out that his girlfriend is having his son, but there are just way too many problems! He's left to take care of the baby himself, and he has no clue what to do. He has to rely on his friends for help, and hope that the media doesn't find out about it. Will the baby be the end of the band, or will he only make their bond stronger? Read to find out! I'm really proud of this one so far, so I hope you guys like it if you decide to check it out.

The second story is called "Schizophrenia". Luke discovers a girl on YouTube who can sing covers exquisitely, and he invites her to go on tour with 5SOS. What he doesn't know is that she's very troubled and is haunted by a figure from her past. Secrets that were supposed to remain buried are dug up, and their worlds get tossed upside down and linked together in various ways. It's a cruel, twisted game of love, hatred, and trust. Will they be able to make it?

And finally, the last story is called "Asylum". I've been working on this one for a while now during school, and I have to say, it's quite strange. It's a horror story, just a warning in advance, so if you don't like paranormal activities or murder mysteries, I suggest that you check out something else. Basically, the 5SOS boys are put in an asylum just for being themselves, but they're not quite... themselves, if that makes any sense. They try their best to break out of the asylum with their unique "abilities", and in the process, they unravel some pretty freaky mysteries. The story is supposed to be set in the 1950's, but some of the slang sounded kind of weird, so I cut that out. But there will be no anesthetics for treatments and surgeries, no security cameras, that kind of thing. It's crucial for the story.

I hope a few of those stories sound appealing in some way, and that you guys decide to check them all out! Or just one. Maybe two, or three. *laughs awkwardly*

Anywho, please read, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. But above all, just enjoy my stories and have fun! Please do recommend stories for me to read (I'm getting desperate), or just PM me for fun! I love talking to people on the Internet. I get so bored all by my lonesome.

Wow, this is a really long author's note! I'm so sorry if I bored you. I'll shut up now.

Stay Beautiful, my lovelies!
-Sammi <3

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