#1: First Encounter

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Jaejoong, Junsu and Yunho are cousins. Their parents own a large corporation involved in talent management, so they are often not around. As a compensation, they bought another bungalow for the three guys in the high-class neighbourhood where they stayed at so they guys could keep each other company when they are not around. All three of them studies at a prestigious school that is nearby their home.

Junsu and Yunho are siblings. Yunho being the hyung, and Junsu the dongsaeng. Yunho was a very namja guy, who likes to lead in everything he does. He is very much a traditional and conservative male chauvinist for his age. Junsu in contrast is a very sensitive new age guy, who prefers to do whatever is the less obtrusive option, and is often bullied or teased by Yunho. He is usually the one following whatever his Yunho-hyung decides on.

Jaejoong is their cousin. Sporting a full head of blonde hair and his fair skin, Jaejoong is very much like a Snow or Ice Prince. He looks very unapproachable and cold. Some will find him cool and suave. As he never speaks much around strangers. He only speaks to Junsu and Yunho, and no one else. Anyone who tries to make conversation with him will get a nonchalant stare from him, before he walks away unperturbed, leaving you behind.


In the very same neighbourhood...

Yining and Yiting are siblings. Their parents too like the guys are busy working, and hardly stay at home. They have been neighbours with Junsu and Yunho since young. And so they know them very well. But for Jaejoong, since he hardly speaks to anyone except Junsu and Yunho. Yining ang Yiting are not as close to him. The sisters are pampered since young by their parents, but they do not act like spoilt brats to others. In fact they are quite generous and kind to their friends.

When the new school term is about to start, Yining and Yiting's older cousin Jaein moves in with them as she manages to get a place to teach in their school as a trainee teacher.

Jaein is an orphan. Her parents passed away in a yachting accident when she was still studying in university. She is also rich like the rest, as her parents had left her a considerable sum of money as her inheritance, being the only child, on top of their insurance claim. But she chose to live simply alone in a rented loft apartment, and work to get her own money, leaving her parent's company in the hands of the management.

And since the school she was sent to teach at was close to her cousins' house, she decided she should move there to stay with them until it's time to go...


Jaein stood in front of Yining and Yiting's bungalow, looking at it as her mind wandered off...

Jaein's thoughts: It's been so long since I've been here... In fact I can't even remember when I last visited the girls...


A splash of water onto Jaein's body interupted her thoughts.

Jaein: HEY!!! WHAT THE!!!

Jaein looked over and saw a silver convertible drive away from her, leaving her drenched. She ran after it shouting angrily.

Jaein: HEY YOU!!!! STOP THE CAR!!! STOP!!!

Junsu looked back from the back of the car and noticed Jaein running after the car.

Junsu: Jaejoong-hyung, I think there's someone calling us...

Jaejoong: Is it?

Jaejoong looked up at the rear-view mirror and took a glimpse. He saw Jaein running towards the car. He eased the car into the side of the road and pulled the brake.

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